Former Prime Minister Mahathir Rushes to Commemoration Ceremony – Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the University of Tsukuba –

Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, the long-serving Prime Minister of Malaysia, attended and delivered a congratulatory speech at the 151st+50th Anniversary of the University of Tsukuba Anniversary.
The ceremony was held on September 30 at the Tsukuba International Congress Center in Tsukuba City.
The University of Tsukuba is currently preparing to open an overseas branch in Malaysia within the Universiti Malaya in the capital city, Kuala Lumpur, with plans to open in October 2024.
In his congratulatory address, former Prime Minister Mahathir said:
My first visit to Japan was in 1961. At that time, I was impressed by the Japanese working culture, commitment, dedication, and concern for quality. Since my “Look East Policy” was applied, Malaysia has sent about 26,000 international students to Japan to study. If Japan’s educational system were located in Malaysia, many Malaysians and people from around the world could benefit from it. It could be successful and a milestone,
he said, expressing his great appreciation for the decision of the University of Tsukuba to establish an overseas branch in Malaysia and his high expectations for the opening of the school. He added;
We live in the same room. The world has become smaller and closer. Now is the time for all of us to develop good friendships.
He emphasized the current situation and future of the world.
Former Prime Minister Mahathir is now 98 years old. He is one of the most well-known politicians in Southeast Asia in Japan, having promoted the “Look East Policy” during his first term in power (1981-2003). During his second term in power (2018-2020), he requested the Japanese government to establish a Japanese university branch in Malaysia.
Subsequently, he also met with President NAGATA Kyosuke. He was given an honorary doctorate by the University of Tsukuba.