Management System
The board of directors of the University of Tsukuba is composed of President, eight executive directors, two auditors (including one adjunct) based on the National University Corporation Law.

Following Committees are also established based on the National University Corporation Law;
- Board of Directors
- Administrative Council, more than fifty percentage of which consist of outside members in order to reflect the views of intellectuals outside the university
- Education and Research Council that consists of directors of vital organizations, and
- President Nomination Committee that consists of representatives of outside intellectuals of Administrative council, and Education and Research
Upon becoming a National University Corporation in April 2004, the University of Tsukuba drastically revised its management system, allowing its various institutions to become more actively involved in high-quality education and innovative research.
The Administration Center pays particular attention to decisions concerning basic issues of education and research, cooperation among divisions, distribution of resources for each division, and strategies of support and advice. Each division operates under autonomous management, allowing faculty members to better devote themselves to education and research activities.
The Administration Center has offices that correspond to jurisdictions of the respective Vice Presidents'. They are designed to promptly put into practice the decisions of the Board of Directors.while the divisions have offices that are subordinate to the graduate school provost and are designed to take steps in accordance with the functioning of each division.