Program Listing
Program Listing
Graduate Schools and Programs
The following Graduate Schools and Programs are run only for students who enter the university in AY 2019 or before.
- Master's Program in Education
- Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Graduate School of Business Sciences (Tokyo Campus)
- Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences
- Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering
- Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences
- Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences
- Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences (Tokyo Campus)
- Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies
- School of Integrative and Global Majors(SIGMA)
Master's Program in Education
Master's Program
- School Leadership and Professional Development (incl. 1-yr program for professionals)
- ?School Leader Course, Learning and Life Support Coordinator Course
- ?Master of Arts in Education
- Secondary Education (incl. 1-yr program for professionals)
- ?Japanese Language Education, Social Studies Education, Mathematics Education, Science Education, 365体育投注 Language Education, Health and Physical Education, Arts Education
- ?Master of Arts in Education
- Education (International Education)
- ?Master of Arts in Education
Graduate School of Humanities and Social SciencesWebsite
5-yr Doctoral Program
- Philosophy
- ?Western Philosophy, Philosophy of Epistemology, Ethics, History of Japanese Ethical Thoughts, Religious Studies, Philosophy of Religion, Sociology of Religion, Buddhist Studies, Indian Philosophy, Indian and Tibetan Buddhism, Comparative Thoughts
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Literature
- History and Anthropology
- ?Japanese History, Asian History, Western History, Historical Geography, Prehistory, Archaeology, Folklore, Cultural Anthropology
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Literature
- Literature and Linguistics
- ?General literature (Literary theory, Comparative literature, Classic literature), Japanese literature, 365体育投注 literature, American literature, French literature, German literature, Chinese literature, General linguistics, Applied linguistics (Applied linguistics, Japanese language education), Japanese linguistics, 365体育投注 linguistics, French linguistics, German linguistics
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Literature
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics
Master's Program
- International Area Studies
- ?East Asian Studies Course, Southeast Asian Studies Course, Central Eurasian Studies Course, Middle East and North African Studies Course, European Studies Course, North American Studies Course, Latin American Studies Course
- ?Master of Arts in Area Studies
- ?Master of Arts
- ?Master of Arts in International Studies※
- ?Master of Public Policy※
- ?Master of Arts in Economics※
- ※ for the special programs
- Modern Languages and Cultures
- ?Cultural Contacts, Cultural Area Studies, Cultural Dynamics, Cultural Differences, Language and Culture, Cultural Studies of Science, Western Art and Culture, Western Literature and Culture, Language and Culture Education, Body Culture, Cross-cultural Communication, Contrastive Studies of Culture, Images and Culture, Syntax of Languages, Comparative Study of Languages, Second Language Acquisition, Second Language Education
- ?Master of Arts in Literature
- ?Master of Arts in Linguistics
- ?Master of Arts
- International Public Policy
- ?International Public Policy, Theoretical Foundations of Sociology, International Political Economy, Contemporary Political Analysis, Theory of Global Politics, History of International Politics, Politics in Asia, Political Process, Sociology of Knowledge, Medical Sociology, Family Sociology, Theory of Deviant behavior, Sociology of Culture, Historical Sociology, Urban Sociology, Sociology of Work.Transnational Sociology, Comparative Politics, International Security, International Relationship in Asia, International Relations of Russia and East Europe, Chinese Politics and Diplomacy, International Law, International Culture, Development Anthropology, Cultural Dynamics, Population Studies
- ?Master of Arts in International Political Economy
- ?Master of Arts in Political Science
- ?Master of Arts in Sociology
- ?Master of Arts in International Public Policy
- ?Master of Arts
- International and Advanced Japanese Studies
- ?Public Religion, Comparative Thought of History on East Asia, History of Japanese Spiritualism, Economic Ideas, Comprehensive Studies of Literature, Japanese Literature, Comparative Image Cultures, Media Communication Research, Information Ethics, Politics, International Relations, Modern Japanese Diplomatic History, History Education, Criminal Law, Code of Civil Procedure, Practitioner's Guide to the Court, Public Economics, Japanese Economic History, German Economic History, Theory of Economic System, Game Theory, International Population Movements in Asia, International Management, Japanese Language Education, Sociolinguistics, Teaching Kanji, Vocabulary, Comparative Linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics
- ?Master of Arts in International and Advanced Japanese Studies
- ?Master of Arts in Humanities
- ?Master of Arts in Social Sciences
- ?Master of Arts in Applied linguistics in Japanese
Doctoral Program
- Modern Languages and Cultures
- ?Cultural Contacts, Cultural Area Studies, Cultural Dynamics, Cultural Differences, Language and Culture, Cultural Studies of Science, Western Art and Culture, Western Literature and Culture, Language and Culture Education, Body Culture, Cross-cultural Communication, Contrastive Studies of Culture, Images and Culture, Syntax of Languages, Comparative Study of Languages, Second Language Acquisition, Second Language Education
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Literature
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics
- ?Doctor of Philosophy
- International Public Policy
- ?International Public Policy, Theoretical Foundations of Sociology, International Political Economy, Contemporary Political Analysis, Theory of Global Politics, History of International Politics, Politics in Asia, Quantitative Analysis, Sociology of Knowledge, Medical Sociology, Family Sociology, Theory of Deviant behavior, Sociology of Culture, Historical Sociology, Urban Sociology, Sociology of Work.Transnational Sociology, Comparative Politics, International Security, History of International Relations, International Relationship in Asia, International Relations of Russia and East Europe, Chinese Politics and Diplomacy, Development and Democracy, International Law, International Culture, Development Anthropology, Cultural Dynamics, Population Studies
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in International Political Economy
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in International Public Policy
- ?Doctor of Philosophy
- International and Advanced Japanese Studies
- ?Comparative Religion, Comparative Thought of History on East Asia, History of Japanese Spiritualism, Economic Ideas, Comprehensive Studies of Literature, Japanese Literature, Comparative Image Cultures, Media Communication Research, Information Ethics, Politics, International Relations, Modern Japanese Diplomatic History, Political Communication, History Education, Criminal Law, Public Economics, Japanese Economic History, German Economic History, Game Theory, International Population Movements, International Management, Japanese Language Education, Vocabulary, Comparative Linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics, Modern History of Central Asia, International Politics in Central Asia, Linguistic Anthropology, Theory of Finance, Philosophy, History of Media, Communication Analysis, Industry 4.0, IoT
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in International and Advanced Japanese Studies
Graduate School of Business Sciences (Tokyo Campus)Website
Marketing, Marketing Science, Consumer Behavior, Theory of Administrative Organization, Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Development, Methods for Survey Research, Mathematical Finance, Quantitative Finance, Applied Probability, Financial Engineering, Computational Finance, Financial Accounting, Financial Analysis, Optimization Theory, Mathematical Modeling, Optimal Control Theory, Risk Management, Quality Management, Design of Experiments, Business Simulation, Project Management, User Interface, Programming Languase, Information Retrieval, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Software Intelligence, Civil Law, Financial Transactions Law, Commercial Law, Electronic Commerce, Civil Procedure Law, Contract Law, Corporation Law, Financial Instruments and Exchange Law, Tax Law, Tax Plannning, Competition Law, Private International Law, Intellectual Property Law, Social Security Law, Labor and Employment Law, Public Employment Law, International Business Law, Corporate Law and Mergers & Acquisitions Law
Systems Management and Business Law
- Systems Management
- ?Marketing, Marketing Science, Consumer Behavior, Strategic Management, Methods for Survey Research, Educational Administration, Quantitative Finance, Applied Probability, Financial Engieering, Computational Finance, Mathematical Finance, Optimization Theory, mathematical Modeling, User Interface, Computer Network, Information Retrieval, Information Network, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Graph and Network Theory, Statistical Science
- ?Master of Business Administration
- ?Master of Science in Systems Management
- Advanced Studies of Business Law
- ?Civil Law, Financial Transactions Law, Commercial Law, Electronic Commerce, Civil Procedure Law, Contract Law, Corporation Law, Financial Instruments and Exchange Law, Tax Law, Tax Plannning, Competition Law, Private International Law, Intellectual Property Law, Labor and Employment Law, Public Employment Law, Social Security Law
- ?Master of Laws
- Systems Management
- ?Marketing, Marketing Science, Consumer Behavior, Theory of Administrative Organization, Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Development, Methods for Survey Research, Mathematical Finance, Quantitative Finance, Applied Probability, Financial Engineering, Computational Finance, Financial Accounting, Financial Analysis, Optimization Theory, Mathematical Modeling, Optimal Control Theory, Risk Management, Quality Management, Design of Experiments, Business Simulation, Project Management, User Interface, Programming Languase, Information Retrieval, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Software Intelligence
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Systems Management
- Business Law
- ?Civil Law, Financial Transactions Law, Commercial Law, Electronic Commerce, Civil Procedure Law, Contract Law, Corporation Law, Financial Instruments and Exchange Law, Tax Law, Tax Plannning, Competition Law, Private International Law, Intellectual Property Law, Social Security Law, Labor and Employment Law, Public Employment Law, International Business Law, Corporate Law and Mergers & Acquisitions Law
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Law
Master's Program
Doctoral Program (Systems Management and Business Law)
Professional Degree Program
- Law School Program
- ?Constitutional Law, Civil Law, Commercial Law, Criminal Law, Civil Procedure, Corporation Law, Traffic Law, Mergers & Acquisitions law, Social Security Law, International Business Law, Company law, Financial Law, Bankruptcy law
- ?Juris Doctor
- MBA Program in International Business
- ?Organizational Management, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Business Strategy, Corporate Finance, Accounting, Global Management, Operations Management
- ?Master of International Business Administration
Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences Website
Master's Program
- Mathematics
- ?Group theory, Ring theory, Algebraic geometry, Representation theory, Number theory, Topology, Differential geometry, Theory of differential equations, Theory of probability, Algebraic analysis, Mathematical statistics, Mathematical logic, Computer algebra
- ?Master of Science
- Physics
- ?Theoretical Particle Physics, Experimental Particle Physics, Theoretical Astrophysics, Observational Astrophysics, Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Experimental Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Biological Physics, Materials Physics, Plasma Physics
- ?Master of Science
- Chemistry
- ?Inorganic chemistry, Physical chemistry, Organic chemistry, Interdisciplinary chemistry, Nano-materials chemistry
- ?Master of Science
- Applied Physics
- ?Optical and Quantum Engineering, Instrumentation Physics, Quantum Beam and Plasma Engineering, Nano-Technology and Nano-Science, Semiconductor Electronics, Optoelectronics and Spintronics
- ?Master of Engineering
- Materials Science
- ?Quantum Physics of Solid State, Theoretical Quantum Physics, Material Physics and Engineering, Material Chemistry and Biotechnology, Nanostructural Engineering
- ?Master of Engineering
Doctoral Program
- Mathematics
- ?Group theory, Ring theory, Algebraic geometry, Representation theory, Number theory, Topology, Differential geometry, Theory of differential equations, Theory of probability, Algebraic analysis, Mathematical statistics, Mathematical logic, Computer algebra
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Science
- Physics
- ?Theoretical Particle Physics, Experimental Particle Physics, Theoretical Astrophysics, Observational Astrophysics, Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Experimental Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Biological Physics, Plasma Physics
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Science
- Chemistry
- ?Inorganic chemistry, Physical chemistry, Organic chemistry, Interdisciplinary chemistry
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Science
- Nano-Science and Nano-Technology
- ?Nanoscience, Nanotechnology
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Science
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering
- Applied Physics
- ?Optical and Quantum Engineering, Instrumentation Physics, Quantum Beam and Plasma Engineering, Nano-Technology and Nano-Science, Semiconductor Electronics, Optoelectronics and Spintronics
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering
- Materials Science
- ?Quantum Physics of Solid State, Theoretical Quantum Physics, Material Physics and Engineering, Material Chemistry and Biotechnology
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering
3-yr Doctoral Program
- Materials Science and Engineering
- ?Metals and Ceramics, Nanomaterials, organic-and Bio-Materials, Condensed Matter Physics, Semiconducting Materials
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering
Graduate School of Systems and Information EngineeringWebsite
- Policy and Planning Sciences
- ?【Policy and Plannning Sciences】
Design of Assets and Resources (Finance / Optimization), Spatial and Environmental Design (Urban Planning), Design of Organization and Behaviors (Behavioral Science) - ?Master of Science in Policy and Plannning Sciences
- ?【Service Engineering (only for Japanese speakers)】
Service Engineering, Service Science, Service management - ?Master of Engineering in Service Science
- Risk Engineering
- ?Safety and Reliability, Information Security, Cryptography and Authentication Techniques, Environment and Energy Risk, Measures for Urban Disasters, Urban Risk, Human-Machine Symbiosis, Risk Recognition, Risk Communication, Soft Computing (Probabilistic and Statistical Models, Fuzzy Theory, Theory of Evidence, etc.)
- ?Master of Science in Policy and Planning Sciences
- ?Master of Engineering
- Computer Science
- ?Information Mathematics and Modeling Intelligent Software Software System Computer Architecture Media Engineering Intelligent System
- ?Master of Engineering
- Intelligent Interaction Technologies
- ?System Design Man-Machine System and Robotics Instrumentation and Control Engineering Communication System
- ?Master of Engineering
- Engineering Mechanics and Energy
- ?Structural Engineering Disaster Mitigation and Reliability Engineering Solid Mechanics and Materials Science Fluid and Environmental Engineering Energy and Thermal Engineering
- ?Master of Engineering
Master's Program
Doctoral Program
- Policy and Planning Sciences
- ?Design of Assets and Resources (Finance / Optimization), Spatial and Environmental Design (Urban Planning), Design of Organizations and Behaviors (Behavioral Science)
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Policy and Planning Sciences
- Risk Engineering
- ?Safety and Reliability, Information Security, Cryptography and Authentication Techniques, Environment and Energy Risk, Measures for Urban Disasters, Urban Risk, Human-Machine Symbiosis, Risk Recognition, Risk Communication, Soft Computing (Probabilistic and Statistical Models, Fuzzy Theory, Theory of Evidence, etc)
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Policy and Planning Sciences
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering
- Computer Science
- ?Information Mathematics and Modeling, Intelligent Software, Software System, Computer Architecture, Media Engineering, Intelligent System
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering
- Intelligent Interaction Technologies
- ?System Design, Man-Machine System and Robotics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Communication System
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering
- Engineering Mechanics and Energy
- ?Structural Engineering, Disaster Mitigation and Reliability Engineering, Solid Mechanics and Materials Science, Fluid and Environmental, Engineering, Energy and Thermal Engineering
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering
Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences
5-yr Doctoral Program
- Integrative Environment and Biomass Sciences
- ?Environment and Phycology, Regulation of Photosynthetic Metabolism, Environmental Plant Physiology, Environmental Molecular Microbiology, Water and Environmental Resources, Water Environment
- ?Doctor of Philosophy
Master's Program
- Geosciences
- ?Human Geography, Regional Geography, Geomorphology, Hydrological Science, Meteorology&Climatology, Spatial Information Science, Terrestrial Water Cycle System, Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction System Paleobiological Science, Paleogeospherical Science, Geodynamics, Petrology, Mineralogy, Planetary Resource Geology, Earth Historical Analysis
- ?Master of Science
- ?Master of Geoscience
- ?Master of Geoenvironmental Science
- Biological Sciences
- ?Systematics and Evolutionary Biology, Ecology, Plant Physiology and Developmental Biology, Animal Physiology and Developmental Biology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genomics and Bioinformatics, Advanced Cellular Biology, Advanced Molecular Biology
- ?Master of Science
- Agro-Bioresources Science and Technology
- ?Agro-Biological Sciences, Agricultural Economics and Sociology, Bioresource Environment Engineering, Biosystem Sciences Course, Applied Biochemistry, Bio Diplomacy Course, Professional Training Program in International Agricultural Research
- ?Master of Agricultural Science
- ?Master of Bioresource Engineering
- ?Master of Biotechnology
- ?Master of Biodiplomacy
- ?Master of Arts
- Environmental Sciences
- ?Atmospheric Environment, Surface/Subsurface Water/Watershed Environment, Remote Sensing, Biological Responses, Soil/Water Resource, Environmental Biochemistry, Chemistry of Environmental Analyses, Environmental Economics and Policy, Environmental Microbiology, Regional Air Pollution, Plant Ecology, Animal Ecology, Biological Interaction, Aquatic Ecology, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Epidemiology, Environmental Urban Planning, Environmental Policy and Planning, Protected Areas Planning and Management, Environmental Assessment, Environmental Ethics, Regional Environmental Health Sciences, Environmental Disaster Prevention, Waste Management
- ?Master of Environmental Sciences
- Sustainability and Environmental Sciences
- ?Tropical environment, Surface/Subsurface Water/Watershed Environment, Biological Responses, Soil/Water Resource, Environmental Biochemistry, Chemistry of Environmental Analyses, Environmental Economics and Policy, Environmental Microbiology, Plant Ecology, Biological Interaction, Aquatic Ecology, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Urban Planning, Environmental Policy and Planning, Protected Areas Planning and Management, Environmental Assessment, Environmental Ethics, Environmental Disaster Prevention, Waste Management
- ?Master of Sustainability and Environmental Sciences
- Mountain Studies
- ?Ecology, Systematic Taxonomy, Genetic, Meteorology, Topography, Geology, Hydrology, Geography, Silviculture, Forest Soil Science, Soil and Water Conservation, Forest Protection, Forest Products Science, Forest Management, Environmental Economics, Forest Landscape Management, Mountain Sociology, River Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Forest Engineering, Civil Engineering, Erosion Control Engineering, Social Technology, Risk Engineering, Environmental Disaster Prevention
- ?Master of Science in Mountain Studies
Doctoral Program
- Geoenvironmental Sciences
- ?Human Geography, Regional Geography, Geomorphology, Hydrological Science, Meteorology&Climatology, Spatial Information Science, Terrestrial Water Cycle, System, Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction System
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Science
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Geoenvironmental Science
- Earth Evolution Sciences
- ?Paleobiological Science, Paleogeospherical Science, Geodynamics, Petrology, Mineralogy, Planetary Resource Geology, Earth Historical Analysis
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Science
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Geoscience
- Biological Sciences
- ?Systematics and Evolutionary Biology, Ecology, Plant Physiology and Developmental Biology, Animal Physiology and Developmental Biology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genomics and Bioinformatics, Advanced Cellular Biology, Advanced Molecular Biology
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Science
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Science
- Appropriate Technology and Sciences for Sustainable Development
- ?Arid Land Engineering, Eco-system Structure Engineering, Watershed Conservation, Water Resources Management Engineering, Bioproduction and Machinery, Farmland System Engineering, Protected Area and Wild life Management, Rural Environment Improvement, Biosphere Informatics, Bioresource Technology Development, Science for Food Functions, Chemistry of Biomaterials, Engineering of Biomaterials, Agri-Food Process Engineering, Food Development Science, Nano and Micro-scale Food Analysis, Sustainability of Biomass Resources, Agricultural and Bioresource Economics, Resource Management and Development Studies, Farm Business and Agribusiness Management, Rural Sociology and Agricultural History, Forest Resource Economics, Forest Resources Sociology, Rural Development Study, Regional Forest Resource Development
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Science
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Bioresource Engineering
- ?Doctor of Philosophy
- Biosphere Resource Science and Technology
- ?Plant Genetics and Breeding, Crop Science, Olericulture and Floriculture, Pomology and Postharvest Physiology of Fruit, Animal Science, Bioproduction Systems, Plant Cell Engineering, Plant Stress Biology, Science of Functional Food Resources, Plant Parasitic Mycology, Applied Entomology and Zoology, Environmental Soil Chemistry, Environmental Plant Biochemistry, Forest Ecotopology, Conservation of Regional Resources, Functional Utilization of Beneficial Insects, Plant Molecular Biology, Metabolic Network Biology, Disease Vector Control
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Science
- ?Doctor of Philosophy
- Life Sciences and Bioengineering
- ?Biochemistry of Bioactive Molecules, Genomic Biology, Structural Biochemistry, Molecular and Developmental Biology, Biology for Gene Regulation, Molecular Microbial Bioengineering, Molecular Analysis of Signaling, Biochemistry of Plant Proteins, Animal Bioresource Engineering, Bioreaction Engineering, Applied Microbiology, Cell Cultivation Engineering, Biomimetic Chemistry, Ecological Molecular Microbiology, Molecular and Cellular Chronobiology, Applied Bioengineering of Microbial Ecosystems, Evolutionary Biology of Symbiosis, Functional Foods and Food Chemistry, Molecular Neurobiology
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Science
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Biotechnology, Doctor of Philosophy
- Bioindustrial Sciences
- ?Genetic Resource Science and Technology (Plant Biotechnology Plant Molecular Genetics), Bioindustry and Bioscience (Plant Physiology, Animal Cell Biotechnology, Bioindustrial Resources, Bioactive Natural Products Chemistry, Industrial Microbiology and Bioresource Science), Ecosystem Technology (Bio-Environmental Control Engineering, Eco-System Engineering), Biorsourse Development Technology (Food Processing Engineering, Mechanical Engineering for Food Processing, Food System), Environmental Decision Science and Engineering of Bioresource Utilization (Simulation Method for Comprehensive Evaluation of Environmental System), Environmental Symbiosis Science (Principle of Human Environmental Symbiosis, Plant Industry)
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Science
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Science
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Biotechnology, Doctor of Philosophy
- Sustainable Environmental Studies
- ?Sustainability Hydrology, Processes of Atmosphere-land Interaction, Microbiology for Sustainable Environment, Environmental Sustainable Soil Science, Sustainable Biological Response to Environmental Stress, Sustainable Recycling of Bio-resource, Regional Air Pollution*, Biodiversity and Conservation Ecology, Ecosystem Ecology, Bioethics and Environmental Ethics, Symbiosis and Cultural Ecology, Environmental Health Perspective, Regional Environmental Health Sciences, Environmental Ecology of the Globe, Analysis and Assessment of Ecological Environment, Integrated Watershed Management, Environmental and Socio-economic Policies, Policy and Planning for Forest Conservation, Urban Landscape Planning, Recreation of Urban Infrastructure, Environmental Disaster Prevention
- ?Doctor of philosophy in Environmental Studies
3-yr Doctoral Program
- Advanced Agricultural Technology and Sciences
- ?Field Informatics, Crop Production Management Systems, Function and Regulation of Animal Production, Crop Genomic Breeding, Fruit Tree Genomic Breeding, Development and Utilization of New Genetic Resources in Ornamental Plants
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Science
Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences Website
Master's Program
- Medical Sciences
- ?【Medical Sciences】 Neuroendocrinology, Anatomy and Embryology, Neurobiology, Diagnostic Pathology, Experimental Pathology, Kidney and Vascular Pathology, Systems Neuroscience, Behavioral Neuroscience, Biochemistry, Molecular Cell Biology, Biochemistry Gene regulation, Biochemistry, Reproductive Biochemistry, Physiological Chemistry, Molecular Neurobiology, Molecular Virology, Immunology, Medical Genetics, Laboratory Animal Science, Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Biology, Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology, Medical Physics, Radiobiology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Developmental Biology, Molecular Biology, Biomaterials Science, Molecular Genetics, Glycobiology, Environmental Medicine, Molecular Pharmacology, Developmental Genetics, Pneumonology, Pulmonary medicine, Medical Oncology, Nephrology, Metabolism and Endocrinology, Hematology, Internal Medicine, Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Neurosurgery, Neurology, Molecular Embryology and Child Development, Psychiatry, Tumor Oncology and Organ Transplantation, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Urology, Otology & Neurotology, Dermatology, Laboratory Medicine, Diagnostic Radiology and Interventional Radiology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Artificial Organs, Clinical Physiology, Management of technology, Primary Care and Medical Education, Radiation Oncology, Biomaterials and tissue engineering, Cardiology & Cardiovascular Medicine, General Thoracic Surgery, Clinical Epidemiology in Nutritional and Metabolic diseases and Exercise, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ophthalmology, Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Pediatric Surgery, Molecular Sportology, Sleep Medicine, Cardiovascular Surgery 〔Public Health〕 /〔Human Care Sciences〕Epidemiology, Forensic Medicine, Longevity Medicine, Health Care Policy and Management, Health Services Research, Gerontological nursing and caring, Medical Science and Welfare/ Global Public Health
- ?Master of Science in Medical Science
- ?Master of Public Health
- ?Master of Science in Human Care Science
- International Joint Degree Master's Program in Agro-Biomedical Science in Food and Health
- ?Medical Sciences, Hygiene and Public Health, Agricultural Sciences
- Master of Agro-Biomedical Science in Food and Health
- Joint Master's Program in International Development and Peace through Sport
- ?Development and Peace through Sport / Education and Youth Development through Sport / Health and Environment / Sport and Gender, Race, Ethnicity/ Aged and Adapted Sport
- ?Master of Arts in International Development and Peace through Sport
Master's Program
- Education Sciences
- ?Philosophy of Education, History of Japanese Education, History of Foreign Education, Lifelong Learning and Adult Education, Educational System and Organization, Comparative and International Education, Educational Governance: Policy and Politics, School Management, Curriculum, Teaching Method, Educational Technology, Moral Education, Career Education, Social Studies Education, Language Education, Mathematics Education, Science Education, Education for Human Coexistence, Educational Clinical School Psychology, Sociology of Education, Educational Leadership and Management, Sociology of Human Coexistence
- ?Master of Education
- Psychology
- ?Psychology for perception and Sensation, Educational Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Psychology, of Language, Psychological Measurement, Developmental Psychology, Adolescent Psychology, Social Psychology, Developmental Clinical Psychology, Clinical Psychology
- ?Master of Psychology
- Disability Sciences
- ?Research on Visual Impairment and Blindness, Research on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Resarch on Intellectual,Developmental and Behavioral Disabilities, Research on Physical Disabilities and Health Impairment, Research on Speech and Language Disorders, Research on Welfare for Persons with Disabilities, Research on Principle of Disabilities, Acupuncture and Physical Therapy Education
- ?Master of Arts in Special Education
- ?Master of Arts in Disability Sciences
- Kansei, Behavioral and Brain Sciences
- ?Kansei Science (Kansei Information, Kansei Design, Kansei Ergonomics) Behavioral Science (Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, Behavioral Neuroscience, Science of Developmental Diabilities and Behavioral Disorders, Science of Mental and Neurocognitive Disorders) Neuroscience (Brain Science, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, Developmental Neuroscience, Sleep Science, Structural and Neural Physiology of Brain)
- ?Master of Kansei Science
- ?Master of Behavioral Science
- ?Master of Neuroscience
- ?Master of Philosophy
- Nursing Sciences
- ?【Clinical Nursing Area】Health problems and support to women during puberty and adolescence, Nursing support to reduce parenting stress or mother-child relationship support, Informed Assent for children, Infant and family confronted to an End-of-Life situation, Functional disorder of patients with chronic diseases and their family, Nursing interventions on cancer patients, cancers survivors and their family, Self-efficacy for people with mental disorder and their family, Rehabilitation nursing interventions and evaluation methods in psychiatry
- ?Master of Science in Nursing
- Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences/ National Leading Coach Development Program
- ?【Physical Education and Sport】 Philosophy of PE and Sport, History of PE and Sport Anthropology, Sport Sociology, Theory of Budo, Management of PE and Sport, Sport Policy, Sport Industry, Sport Pedagogy, Theory of Adapted PE and Sport, Sport Psychology 【Health and Physical Fitness】 Health Education, Environmental Health, Sport Physiology, Sport Biochemistry, Sport Nutrition, Physical Fitness, Health and Fitness for Active Living, Measurement and Evaluation of Sport, Sport Medicine for Wellness, Sport Medicine for Motor System, Sport Biomechanics, Applied Anatomy 【Coaching】 General Theory of Coaching and Training, Theory of Movement, Coaching in Gymnastics, Coaching in Sports Gymnastics, Coaching in Track & Field, Coaching in Swimming, Coaching in Volleyball, Coaching in Basketball, Coaching in Handball, Coaching in Soccer, Coaching in Rugby, Coaching in Racket & Bat Sports, Coaching in Judo, Coaching in Kendo, Coaching in Kyudo, Outdoor Pursuits and Education, Dance Studies
- ?Master of Health and Sport Sciences
- ?Master of Coaching Science
- Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences (Sport and Olympic Studies Program)
- ?Olympic and Paralympic Education, Sport Management, Sport Science and Medicine, Sport for Development and Peace, Teaching, Coaching and Japanese Culture
- ?Master of Arts in Sport and Olympic Studies
- Art and Design
- ?Fine Art (History of Art, Art Environment Support, Western Style Painting, Nihonga [Japanese Style Painting], Carving and Modeling, Sho-Calligraphy Art) Design (Constructive Art, Plastic Art and Mixed Media, Craft, Visual Communication Design, Product Design, Environmental Design, Architectural Design)
- ?Master of Fine Art
- ?Master of Design
- World Heritage Studies
- ?Natural Heritage Conservation, Cultural Heritage Theory and Policy Studies, Cultural Tourism, Planning and Management of Heritage Sites, Cultural Landscape, Architectural Heritage, History and Heritage of Art, Conservation Science
- ?Master of World Heritage Studies
- ?Master of Philosophy
Program in Medical Science
- Biomedical Sciences (including Day and Evening Courses System)
- ?Molecular Biological Oncology, Pathlogical Biochemistry, Molecular Neurobiology, Anatomy and Embryology, Animal Models for Human Diseases and Comparative Medicine, Experimental Pathology, Cencer Signaling, Diagnostic Pathology, Kidney and Vascular Pathology, Immunology, Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Biology, Infection Biology, Microbiology, Molecular Parasitology, Neurophysiology, Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience, Medical Physics, Radiobiology, Biomedical Engineering, Vascular Biology, Molecular Genetic Epidemiology and Public Health Medicine, Genetic Medicine, Environmental Medicine, Molecular and Developmental Biology, Legal Medicine, Genome Biology, Beharioral Neuroscience, Functional Neuroanatomy, Medicinal Chemistry / Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry / Chemical Biology / Genetics, Brain regeneration and Sleep, Systems Sleep Biology, Molecular Sleep Biology, Neuroscience, Molecular Genetice, International Helth, Medical Virology, Protein Metabolism
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences
- ?Doctor of Philosophy
- Clinical Sciences(including Day and Evening Courses System)
- ?Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology, Radiation Oncology, Psychiatric Science, Disaster Psychiatry, Anesthesiology, Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Primary Care and Medical Education, Clinical Trials and Clinical Epidemiology, Clinical Research and Regional Innovation, Gastrointestinal and Hepato-biliary-pancreatic Surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Respiratory Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Urology and Andrology, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Breast and Endocrine Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Neurosurgery, Visual Science and Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Sugery, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Gastroenterology, Cardiovascular Medicine, Pulmonology, Neurology, Nephrology, Hematology, Clinical Immunology, Metabolism and Endocrinology, Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Dermatology, Pediatrics and Child Health, Infectious Diseases, Medical Oncology, Health Care Policy and Management / Health Economics, Health Services Research, Social Psychiatry and Mental Health, Translational Science on Drug Discovery, Function of Biomolecule, Genomics-based Drug Discovery, Biomaterials and Tissue Engneering, Regulatory Science on Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences
- ?Doctor of Philosophy
Doctoral Program
- Education
- ?Philosophy of Education, History of Japanese Education, History of Foreign Education, Lifelong Learning and Adult Education, Educational System and Organization, Comparative and International Education, Educational Governance: Policy and Politics, School Management
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Education
- School Education
- ?Curriculum, Teaching Method, Educational Technology, Moral Education, Career Education, Social Studies Education, Language Education, Mathematics Education, Science Education.
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Education
- ?Doctor of Philosophy
- Psychology
- ?Psychology for perception and Sensation, Educational Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Psychology of Language, Psychological Measurement, Developmental Psychology, Adolescent Psychology, Social Psychology, Group Psychology
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology
- ?Doctor of Philosophy
- Disability Sciences
- ?Research on Visual Impairment and Blindness, Research on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Resarch on Intellectual,Developmental and Behavioral Disabilities, Research on Physical Disabilities and Health Impairment, Research on Speech and Language Disorders, Research on Welfare for Persons with Disabilities, Research on Principle of Disabilities
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Disability Sciences
- Kansei, Behavioral and Brain Sciences
- ?Kansei Information Science, Kansei Design Studies, Kansei Ergonomics, Comparative Cognitive Science, Behavioral Neuroscience, Science of Mental Disorders, Brain Science, Functional Molecular Neurobiology, Structural Physiology of Brain
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Kansei Science
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Behavioral Science
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Neuroscience
- ?Doctor of Philosophy
- Nursing Sciences
- ?Nursing Science aiming at creating new academic fields
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing
- Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
- ?Social and Cultural Studies, Management and Policy, Pedagogy and Psychology, Exercise Life Sciences, Health Promotion and Physical Fitness Sciences, Kinesilogy and Coaching Sciences
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Health and Sport Sciences
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Human Peformance and Sport Sciences
- ?Doctor of Philosophy
- Art and Design
- ?Fine Art, Design
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Art
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Design
- World Cultural Heritage Studies
- ?Natural Heritage Conservation, Administration of Cultural Heritage Conservation, Cultural Tourism Management and Planning, Cultural Landscape, Architectural Heritage, History and Heritage of Art, Conservation Science
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in World Heritage Studies
- ?Doctor of Philosophy
3-yr Doctoral Program
- Human Care Science
- ?Education for Human Coexistence, Developmental Clinical Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Livelihood Support Science, Gerontological Nursing and Caring, Health Sociology and Stress Management, Social Psychiatry and Mental Health, Medical Science and Welfare, Health Care Policy and Management, Health Services Research
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Human Care Science
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Education
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Health and Sport Sciences
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health, Doctor of Philosophy
- Sports Medicine
- ?Field of Basic Sports Medicine, Field of Sports Medicine for Respective Life Stages, Field of Sports Medicine for High Performance, Field of Sports Medicine for Health and Diseases
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Sports Medicine
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Coaching Science
- ?Principles of Coaching, Training Science, Theory of Human Movement, Coaching Science Ⅰ (Individual Sports), Coaching Science Ⅱ (Ball Game Sports), Coaching Science Ⅲ (Budo)
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Coaching Science
- ?Doctor of Philosophy
- Joint Doctoral Program in Advanced Physical Education and Sports for Higher Education
- ?Advanced Physical Education Course in Higher Education, Practicum in Teaching Advanced Physical Education, Practical Research Methods for Sports Performance
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Physical Education and Sport Studies
Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences (Tokyo Campus)Website
- Sport and Health Promotion
- ?Sociology of Sport, Political Sociology of Sport Promotion, Policy Science in Sport, Business Administration and Sport, System Management of Outing Sports & Education, Management and Coaching of Professional Sport, Sports Science, Health Promotion, Health Policy, Sports Medicine, Sports Conditioning, Stress Management Science, Mental Health Sociology, Health Counseling Science, Health Counseling & Socio-Behavioral Health, Health Behavioral Science, Mental Health Sciences
- ?Master of Health and Sport Sciences
- ?Master of Health Sciences
- Lifespan Development
- (Counseling Course or Rehabilitation Course)
- ?Cognitive Behavioral Counseling, Social Psychological System of Disaster Prevention, Psychological Aid toward Elderly People, Mental Health Support System, Counselor Training, Career Counseling, Social work for Persons with Disabilities, Psychology for Motor Disabilities, Pathography, Rehabilitation Audiology, Visual, Impairment Studies, Rehabilitation Counseling, Speech-Language Pathology and Neuropsychology
- ?Master of Science in Counseling
- ?Master of Sciences in Rehabilitation
Master's Program
Doctoral Program
- Lifespan Developmental Sciences
- ?Cognitive Behavioral Counseling, Psychological Aid toward Elderly People, Child-Rearing, Career Counseling, Social work for Persons with Disabilities, Psychology for Motor Disabilities, Pathography, Rehabilitation Audiology, Visual, Impairment Studies, Rehabilitation Counseling, Speech-Language Pathology and Neuropsychology
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Lifespan Developmental Sciences
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Science
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Sciences
- Sport and Wellness Promotion
- ?Sport Promotion, Health Promotion, Sport Management, Stress Management
- ?Doctor of Sport and Wellness Promotion
Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies Website
Master's Program
- Library, Information and Media Studies
- ?MSc program for Informatics, MSc program for Library and Information Studies, MSc 365体育投注 program for Library and Information Studies, MSc Career-Up program for Library and Information Studies
- ?Master of Science in Informatics
- ?Master of Science in Library and Information Studies
- Library, Information and Media Studies
- ?Information Principles and Design, Information Circulation, Media Innovation, Human Information Interaction, Information and Society.
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Informatics
- ?Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Studies
- ?Doctor of Philosophy