Campus Life
University of Tsukuba Study Abroad Support Programs
University of Tsukuba Study Abroad Support Programs (Habatake! Scholarship) Supplementary Call for 2021
We recruited applicants in December, 2020 and April, 2021 for the 2021 programs except Overseas Study Tour Support Program (Musha-shugyo Program). To respond to the requests for a supplementary call for application in accordance with the prospects of herd immunity of COVID-19, new measures for accepting students at the partner universities, and special measures for study abroad of the University of Tsukuba (*), we have decided to recruit more applicants. Considering the influences of the COVID-19 pandemic, we will support the study abroad programs with the special conditions for travel abroad as follows, as same as the April, 2021 call.
*Travel Guidelines for Students, Faculty Members and University Employees in Case of a Crisis Overseas by University of Tsukuba President or the Guideline
We will accept applications with the following conditions fulfilled:
- - The destination is at Level 1 or none of Travel Warning and Infectious Disease Warning by Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- - The destination country issues student visas and the partner university grants international students' admissions.
- - Students' safety and security are prioritized in the program at the partner university.
If the condition of destination country does not move down to level 1 or none even one month before the departure, the grant shall be revoked based on the regulations on respective programs.
- ● In case travel abroad is restricted and you attend online university classes, conferences or training programs overseas, you can receive the Grant for Online Participation instead of the original scholarship/grant of the support program after the programs have finished with the conditions. For more details, refer to the Summary of the Grant for Online Participation.
- ●Normally, no change of the study schedule or postponement is admitted in Partner University Exchange Students Support Program (PUESS Program) and CiC/DDPs Support Program. However, change of the start date may be admitted only by the order of the partner university or by the arrangement made by the contact person in charge of the program, as long as the departure is within the academic year concerned.
- ●When the travel for PUESS Program and CiC/DDPs Support Program becomes possible, the original scholarship will be applied instead of the Grant for Online Participation.
1. Partner University Exchange Students Support Program
2. Campus in Campus(CiC) Support Program
3. Overseas Study Tour Support Program (Musha-Shugyo Program)
→ No supplementary call
4. Overseas Academic Conference Participation Support Program
5. Overseas Language Training and Academic Activity Support Program

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1. Partner University Exchange Students Support Program
To support students who will study as an exchange student in one of the partner universities overseas based on the agreement
(Note: To study at university based on the agreement of CiC/DDPs, apply for CiC/DDPs Support Program.)
Supporting Period:
Up to one year. Students must depart from Japan between December, 2021 and March, 2022.
Scholarship Amount:
Monthly allowance up to ¥80,000
Application Submission:
Application documents should be submitted by the chair of the school. Students must get approval of the classroom teacher or the academic supervisor and submit application documents to the chair of the school.
Application Deadline and Submission Place:
Wednesday, October 20, 2021 to the Academic Service Office
(Note that the deadline to submit to the school or program office may be set earlier. Make sure with your school/program office.)
Guideline and Requirements:
- Guideline for Partner University Exchange Students Support Program
- Application Form for Partner University Exchange Students Support Program [Form 1]
- Application Form for Partner University Exchange Students Support Program [Form 1] (Sample)
- Application Form for Partner University Exchange Students Support Program [Form 2] (Sample)
- Certificate of Language Proficiency
- Progress Report/Study Outcome Report for Partner University Exchange Students Support Program
2. Campus in Campus (CiC) Support Program
To support students who will study and research at one of the partner universities based on the agreement of CiC/DDP
(Note: If you wish to participate in a short-term program at one of the CiC Partner universities, apply to the school that conducts the program. Student's direct application is not accepted. Application can be made only by the chair of the school.)
Supporting Period:
Up to one year. Students must depart from Japan between December, 2021 and March, 2022; Up to one month for CiC Short-Term Program
Scholarship Amount:
Monthly allowance up to ¥80,000 ; Up to ¥150,000 for CiC
Application Submission:
Application should be submitted by the chair of the school.
Application Deadline and Submission Place:
Wednesday, October 20, 2021 to the Academic Service Office
(Note that the deadline to submit to school or program office may be set earlier. Make sure with your school/program office.)
Guideline and Requirements:
- Guideline for CiC/DDPs Support Program
- CiC/DDPs Support Program [Form 1]
- CiC/DDPs Support Program [Form 1] (Sample)
- Certificate of Language Proficiency [The followings are for faculty members only]
- CiC/DDPs Support Program [Form 3]
- CiC/DDPs Support Program [Form 3] (Sample)
- Participants List of CiC/DDPs Support Program
- Report for the CiC/DDPs Support Program
3. Overseas Study Tour Support Program (Musha-Shugyo Program)
No supplementary call
4. Overseas Academic Conference Participation Support Program
To support students who participates in overseas conferences, symposium, seminar or research meetings and make a presentation
Supporting Period:
Up to two weeks. Students must depart from Japan between December, 2021 and March, 2022.
Grant Amount:
Up to ¥150,000
Application Submission:
Application should be made by the chair of the school/program.
Application Deadline and Submission Place:
Wednesday, October 20, 2021 to the Academic Service Office
(Note that the deadline to submit to the school or program office may be set earlier. Make sure with your school/program office.)
Guideline and Requirements:
- Guideline for Overseas Academic Conference Participation Support Program
- Application Form for Overseas Academic Conference Participation Support Program
- Application Form for Overseas Academic Conference Participation Support Program (Sample)
- Report for Overseas Academic Conference Participation Support Program
5. Overseas Language Training and Academic Activity Support Program
To support students who participate in an academic activity such as foreign language training and a research work or survey related to their major field that are sponsored by a school of University of Tsukuba or cosponsored with other organizations
Supporting Period:
From one week up to one month. Students must depart from Japan between December, 2021 and March, 2022.
Grant Amount:
Up to ¥100,000
Application Submission:
Application should be submitted to the Activity Program Director or the Co-organizer of the University of Tsukuba. They submit students' applications on behalf of the student.
Application Deadline and Submission Place:
Wednesday, October 20, 2021 to the Academic Service Office
(Note that the deadline to submit to the school or program office may be set earlier. Make sure with your school/program office.)
Guideline and Requirements:
- Guideline for Overseas Language Training and Academic Activity Support Program [The followings are for faculty members only]
- Application Form for Overseas Language Training and Academic Activity Support Program
- Application Form for Overseas Language Training and Academic Activity Support Program (Sample)
- Participants List for Overseas Language Training and Academic Activity Support Program
- Report for Overseas Language Training and Academic Activity Support Program
Scholarship Support for Students Participating in Online International Education and Exchange Programs
In order to further promote ONLINE international education and exchange opportunities for students, we will provide support for course fees and other expenses, even if students do not earn credits, on condition that they submit a certificate of completion. Students who wish to apply should check the application guidelines carefully and submit the necessary documents to the Academic Service Office.
【Eligibility Period (Program Participation Period)】
July 20, 2021 - December 31, 2021
【Support costs】
30,000 yen per registration (if expenses such as course fees exceed 30,000 yen)
The head of the educational organization should apply in the prescribed form.
【Deadline for application】
The deadline for applications to office for SGU is the end of each month from July to November (the deadline to the Academic Service Office is a little earlier, so please check).