Completion Ceremony for the Nikkensei (Japanese Studies Students) Program 2016

Commemorative photo
The completion ceremony for Nikkensei Program 2016 was held at 2B Building, University of Tsukuba, on September 6.
"Japanese Studies Students" (abbreviated name: Nikkensei) are international students who study in Japan with Monbukagakusho Scholarship (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology: MEXT) for a period of one year at designated Japanese universities in order to deepen their understanding of the Japanese language, Japanese affairs and Japanese culture.
It has been 30 years since the College of Japanese Language and Culture started accepting Nikkenssei from overseas. A total of six Nikkensei, who entered the University of Tsukuba in 2016, have successfully finished the program. They were from the following nations: Slovenia, Thailand, Vietnam, Uzbekistan, and Ukraine.
The 27th issue of "Ibunka to no Deai (Encounter with Different Cultures)", which are the collection of academic papers written by Nikkensei, has been published and distributed to relevant authority both inside and outside the university.
The completion ceremony started with a speech by Dean Koichi Takezawa of the College of Japanese Language and Culture. He talked about the importance of the Nikkensei education: "Nikkensei plays an important role in achieving our College's goal, 'Internationalization of Education'. It also embodies the university's present goal, 'Creation of environment for global education', beyond barriers of Japanese students and international students studying in our College."
The representative of Nikkensei, Vu Thi Cam Nhung who came from Vietnam said, "During our stay in Japan, we use a language that is not our mother tongue in our daily life. We also learned the importance of recognizing the individuality and diverse cultures through communication among the Nikkensei. These experiences not only help us to gain knowledge of the Japanese language and its culture but also help us to grow bigger as a person."
A wrap up party was held after the ceremony. In attendance were the six Nikkensei, faculty members and staff who were engaged in the Nikkensei education, and tutors. The six Nikkensei made a speech respectively in Japanese, looking back on their life in Japan.
Nikkensei Program 2017 will start in October, 2017, with 12 International students. We hope both students, those who finished studying and those who will start studying in Japan, will have a fulfilling student life.
Dean Koichi Takezawa of the College of Japanese Language and Culture making a speech

The six Nikkensei who finished the Japanese Studies Students Program 2016
The 27th issue of "Ibunka to no Deai (Encounter with Different Cultures)"