Tsukuba Global Science Week (TGSW) 2017

Tsukuba Global Science Week 2017 (TGSW2017) was held at the Tsukuba International Congress Center from September 25 to 27.
For the 8th year in a row, organized in 47 sessions, TGSW2017 drew participants from 48 countries, including close to 320 participants from 158 institutions, and more than 1,800 visitors altogether.
With "Science for Social Innovations" as the annual theme, TGSW2017 took up the creation of innovation through scientific methods, following last year. It aimed to raise questions about what science--including humanities and social science--could contribute to social innovation in a broad sense. The participants discussed various issues including the role of science for the innovative, sustainable, and fair solution of global-scale problems; the new relationship between science and society; and the potential of science and technology.
Dr. Christoph Kaletka, Director and Senior Fellow of TU Dortmund University and a pre-eminent authority of social innovation, was invited to TGSW2017 as the keynote lecturer. He talked about the importance of social innovation to cope with various global-scale problems.
The 47 sessions included the following programs: "Beyond Globalization" led by the University of Tsukuba Taiwan Office; and "T-PIRC Symposium: Leading University Forum on Plant Resilience and Innovation" by the Tsukuba-Plant Innovation Research Center (T-PIRC).
Among them, "How Will the Fourth Industrial Revolution Affect Humans and Society" was offered in tandem with the World Economic Forum, with David Gleicher serving as the moderator. In addition to his session, there were two more sessions that are planned to be on the agenda of the Tsukuba Conference 2019.
TGSW2017 also hosted events designed for citizens at large, including Brasil Week at BiVi Tsukuba and a music concert performed by the choir (UNICHOR) from the Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf at Capio Tsukuba. The events were a great success and attracted many people.
The next Tsukuba Global Science Week (TGSW2018) is scheduled to take place at the Tsukuba International Congress Center on September 20-22, 2018, under the main theme "Driving Sustainable Development."

Ryoji Chubachi, President of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), giving speech at the opening plenary

Dr. Christoph Kaletka delivering the keynote lecture

Opening lecture hall

David Gleicher, the moderator at the "How Will the Fourth Industrial Revolution Affect Humans and Society" session, which was offered in tandem with the World Economic Forum

- TSUKUBA Declaration 2017, read together by students of the International Joint Degree Master's Program in Agro-Biomedical Science in Food and Health (GIP-TRIAD)*
*GIP-TRIAD: A joint degree program concluded among the University of Tsukuba, the University of Bordeaux in France, and National Taiwan University.