Fourteen college students and faculty members from Al-Farabi Kazakh University (Kazakhstan Republic) and Xidian University (People's republic of China) visited University of Tsukuba, under Sakura Science Plan program
Global Commons was adopted "Japan-Asia youth exchange program in science" which was publicly invited by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). Global Commons then invited aforementioned fourteen college students and faculties from Al-Farabi Kazakh University (Kazakhstan Republic) and Xidean University (People's Republic of China) from 8/27 to 9/2, with the aim of deepening their understanding and interest in state-of-the-art technologies of Japan by visiting Laboratories and Research facilities located at University of Tsukuba and in Tsukuba Science city.
The theme of this program is "Study the forefront of Science and Technology in Japan - Life and Environmental Sciences as well as Artificial Intelligence- ". In accordance with the theme, the group visited and observed Tsukuba International Strategic Zone, Core Laboratory for Algae Biomass and Energy System R&D Center(ABES), Empowerment Studio, Tsukuba Plant Innovation Research Center(T-PIRK), Research Facility Center for Science and Technology. The group also had opportunity to receive classroom lectures about Artificial Intelligence and Environmental Politics.
In addition, they visited Institute of Physical and Chemical Research(RIKEN), Genetic Resources Center at The National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), and National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). The visit also enabled them well to perceive advanced technologies in Tsukuba Science City.
On the last day, all the students made a presentation on what they learned from the program. Upon ending the presentation, each student was given completion certificate of Sakura Science Plan exchange program. Many of them commented that they hoped to come back to Tsukuba to study in the future.

Benton Caroline F. Director General, Global Commons, introducing research activities at University of Tsukuba on the opening day of the program

Students enjoying 3D experience at Empowerment Studio

Students avidly listening to on-campus seminar

Students and faculty members holding their certificate proudly with big smile