Kick-off Symposium on the Ph.D. Program in Humanics
The Kick-off Symposium on the Ph.D. Program in Humanics, that was adopted as a WISE Program (Doctoral Program for World-leading Innovative & Smart Education), was held on March 9.
Program Coordinator Professor Masashi Yanagisawa, Director of the International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (IIIS) gave a welcome address and an introduction speech for the symposium, subsequently, Program Officer Professor Masayuki Hirata of Osaka University delivered a greeting message, then the lecture session delivered by the mentors in the program, who are working on the research front-line at home and abroad, was started.
An introduction of the cutting-edge research for each field was delivered by four international faculty members from overseas partner universities: Dr. Ian Chambers of the University of Edinburgh, Dr. Seong-jin Kim of Seoul National University, Dr. Tilo Kunath of theUniversity of Edinburgh、and Dr. Bernd Fleischmann of the University of Bonn) and four faculty members of the University of Tsukuba (Professor Masashi Yanagisawa, Professor Kenji Suzuki of the Center for Cybernics Research, Professor Tetsuya Sakurai of the Center for Artificial Intelligence Research, and Professor Emiko Noguchi of the Faculty of Medicine), in which there was a lively exchange of opinions.
A poster discussion and a reception aiming for developing an understanding of the research fields such as Medicine, Science, Engineering, and Informatics were held, where prospective students and participating mentors interacted.
The Kick-off Symposium provided a rewarding opportunity prior to the start of the program in April, with nearly 100 attendees including faculty members and staff, prospective students and others.

Program introduction by Program Coordinator Professor Masashi Yanagisawa

Greeting by Program Officer Professor Masayuki Hirata

Research introduction by Program Coordinator Professor Masashi Yanagisawa

Scene of discussion, Dr. Ian Chambers (left), Dr. Tilo Kunath (center), Dr. Seong-jin Kim (right)

Scene of the poster discussion

Commemorative group photo