CRICED held the APEC Curricula Reforms Seminar for AI Era in APEC SOM2 in Chile
APEC oriented to establish high quality curriculum standards in the APEC region and leading the establishment of a Digital Economy. Director of CRICED, Masami Isoda (Faculty of Human Sciences) engages in the Curriculum Reform Project, InMside, on Informatics and Statistics by using the APEC grant. Under the discussion documents produced at APEC-Tsukuba International Conference XIII (7-9 February 2019), the 40 curriculum specialists in APEC economies engaged in to produce the recommendation for curricula reforms in APEC on this digital era against industrial revolution IV at Vina del Mar in Chile (2-4 May 2019).

Opening Ceremony: From left, Maria Jesus Honorato (Curriculum director, Ministry of Education, Chile), Yan Wang (APEC Edunet Coordinator, China), and Roberto Araya (University of Chile, Host).

Project Overseers (InMside Organizers): from right, Masami Isoda (Representative), Roverto Araya (University of Chile), and Maitree Inprasitha (Khon Kaen University).

Participants: Taka Horio, Vice Director of International MEXT (sixth from left), Shigeo Noshiro (fifth from right), and Nobuaki Kawasaki (second from right).