CRICED implemented APEC Lesson Study Workshops at Houses of Parliament in Chile
Director of Center for Research on International Cooperation (CRICED), Prof. Masami Isoda, implemented the APEC Lesson Study Workshop for Computational and Statistical Thinking for the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data at the Houses of Parliament in Chile on May 2 afternoon, with the collaboration of Dr. Roberto Araya (University of Chile) and Dr. Raimundo Olfos (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso) sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Chile. Four hundred local teachers and forty APEC specialists participated. On May 7 afternoon, an additional workshop was held in the Universidad Tecnologica de Chile Inacap at Temuco and a hundred local teachers participated and five APEC specialists contributed. They were the satellite events of APEC InMside Seminar on May 2 to 4.

Opening Speech by Taka Horio(Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan) 2 May 2019.

(left) Lesson Study at the Parliament, (right) Discussion about Lesson Study

Houses of Parliament and Participants (2 May 2019)

(left) Expiation of the lesson study at Tsukuba Elementary School in Japan by Dr. Roberto Araya(University of Chile)
(right) History of Lesson Study in Chile and mutual collaboration since 2006 by Professor Masami Isoda

Lesson Study for analyzing the algorithm at Temuco