Signed an MOU for University cooperative dispatch of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Program for Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology with JICA and three universities
The University of Tsukuba, Takushoku University, Ritsumeikan University, and JICA signed a Memorandum of Understanding for University cooperative dispatch of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) Program intended for human resources development for the Malaysian industry on August 2019.
The University of Tsukuba, Takushoku University, Ritsumeikan University, and JICA signed a Memorandum of Understanding for University cooperative dispatch of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) Program intended for human resources development for the Malaysian industry on August 2019.
For this cooperation, three universities will work on developing human resources bridging Malaysia and Japan, enhancing education on Japanese cultural understanding and Japanese language for undergraduate and graduate students, through the program dispatching Japanese language teachers.
JICA is now promoting cooperation with municipalities and private companies on human resources development for the Malaysian industry. This agreement was a great opportunity to further promote cooperation between Malaysia and Japan.

The Director General of the Secretariat of JOCV visits the Dean of MJIIT to report the signing of the MOU.

Universiti Teknoklogi Malaysia/Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT)