Holding an SD Seminar on QS APPLE 2019
Global Commons gave a Staff Development (SD) Seminar on February 4. It was held under the theme of "Learn from the top universities in the Asia-Pacific region?QS APPLE 2019 Report?".
This seminar was held for the university staff eyeing the world's top ranking to learn the strategies for promoting global competence at other universities in the Asia-Pacific region, and the lectures were served by faculty members and employees of the university who attended the QS APPLE 2019 held at Kyusyu University in November 2019 and other members.
The seminar consists of four lectures: the World University Rankings including its variations and methodology, the outline of the QS-APPLE 2019 conference and exhibition, QS APPLE 2019 report on the strategies for promoting global competence at other universities in the Asia-Pacific region, and the introduction of higher education strategies and the facts and figures of international students in Asia-Pacific countries.
The seminar concluded with a lively question and answer session which showed the attendees' high interest. The Global Commons intends to continue its efforts to promote the concept of "internationalization in everyday life" through organizing various programs that develop international perspectives and skills.
QS-APPLE is one of several annual conferences organized by QS. The official name is QS Asia-Pacific Professional Leaders in Education. Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) is a leading university evaluation institution based in the UK. The objective of QS-APPLE is to discuss the latest topics related to higher education, share issues and good practices, promote international networks, and cultivate partnerships.
"Learn from the top universities in Asia-Pacific region?QS APPLE 2019 Report?"
1. World University Rankings
Lecturer: YOKOYAMA Nozomi, Division of Academic Information Planning, Department of Academic Information
2. QS APPLE 2019 Report
Lecturer: STOIC Marko, Top Global University Project Office
3. PR methodology of the other universities in Asia-Pacific region -from QS APPLE 2019-
Lecturer: KATSUMATA Shah Mahdi, Office of Global Initiatives
4. The higher education strategies and the facts and figures of international students in Asia-Pacific countries
Lecturer: Specially Appointed Professor HIGASHI Teruo, Office of Global Initiatives

Lecturer giving an overview of World University Rankings

Lecturer at the Q and A session