

Request in regard to the handling of our university contingent to the expansion nationwide of target regions of the declaration of a state of emergency

April 17, 2020

To: Students, Faculty Members, and Employees

Request in regard to the handling of our university contingent to the expansion nationwide of target regions of the declaration of a state of emergency

 This request is a necessary response to ensure safety of our university and society. We would like to ask students, faculty members, and employees to take every possible measure based on this request.

 The target regions of the declaration of a state of emergency by the government as of April 16, 2020 have been expanded nationwide and Ibaraki Prefecture has been designated as an "area where COVID-19 is rampant". By this expansion of the target regions of the declaration of a state of emergency, etc. and from a standpoint of the prevention of further spread of COVID-19, students, faculty members, and employees are strongly requested to impose a voluntary travel ban across prefectures in addition to refraining voluntarily from going out unless absolutely necessary.

 Furthermore, on-campus, we are responding with the adoption of adequate preventive measures against infection spread including avoiding the "Three Cs" of closed spaces, crowded places, and close-contact settings to prevent infection and work at a reduced scale of 20 to 30 percent by the introduction of work at home, etc.

 Moreover, our university will continue essential operations based on education and research which are our core as a university including the conduct of online classes and maintenance of research assets and the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in accordance with the "Guidelines for the handling of measures against COVID-19".

The state of future activities of our university based on this request is as follows:

Items Details
Classes Only online classes

Only the following research related persons are allowed access to the laboratory (it is also possible for graduate students and researchers depending on circumstances)

?Research related persons who are engaged in work that will extremely hinder the relevant research by the discontinuation of such work

?Research related persons associated with work to end or stop ongoing experiments

?Research related persons who have temporary access to look after living things, maintain research assets including the replenishment of liquid nitrogen, and maintain servers

Entry of students to the campus The entry of undergraduate students, graduate students, and non-degree students to the campus is not allowed; provided however, that graduate students who are engaged in ongoing experiments, research work, etc. are excluded.
Extracurricular activities Refrain voluntarily from all activities
On-campus meetings Conducted online
Meetings to be conducted shall only be crucial meetings involved in the decision making of the university.
Administrative structure Personnel will be kept to a minimum to maintain administrative functions

※Those involved in the University of Tsukuba Hospital will be excluded from the application above.

INAGAKI Toshiyuki
Vice President for General Affairs
COVID-19 Response Team

Celebrating the 151st 50th Anniversary of the University of Tsukuba
Celebrating the 151st 50th Anniversary of the University of Tsukuba