

Change in the Mode of Operations Based on the COVID-19 Situation

June 10, 2020

To: Students, Faculty Members, and Employees

As a result of the nationwide lifting of the declaration of a state of emergency by the government, the University of Tsukuba has conducted a review of the change in the mode of operation and the mode of operation based on the COVID-19 situation from June 19 (Friday) shall be as follows:

We would like to ask students, faculty members, and employees to continue thoroughly implementing the prevention of the spread of infection and take appropriate action including putting the three basics for preventing infection of "social distancing", "wearing a mask", and "washing hands" found in "Examples of New Lifestyle Practices" (Novel Coronavirus Expert Meeting of May 4, 2020) into practice as basic infection prevention measures for each person.

By this notice, the "Request in regard to the handling of our university contingent to the expansion nationwide of target regions of the declaration of a state of emergency" issued on April 17, 2020 and "Notice in regard to the handling of our university contingent to the lifting of the declaration of a state of emergency" issued on May 15, 2020 are abolished.

Furthermore, we will keep you updated if any change is made upon future developments in the country, Ibaraki Prefecture, etc.

INAGAKI Toshiyuki
Vice President for General Affairs
COVID-19 Response Team

〇 Mode of operations of our university from June 19, 2020 onward

※Those involved in the University of Tsukuba Hospital will be excluded from the application below.

Classes Only online classes.
  • ? Classes of the spring semester (until August 7) will only be conducted online.
  • ? Experiments, practical training, practical skill, etc. could be conducted from late August to September. For the timing and method of the opening of courses, messages and instructions from your educational organization or class instructor should be followed

Research Research activities can be conducted with attention to the prevention of infection spread.

Seminars, etc. are recommended to be conducted online to minimize time spent on-campus.
  • ? Research guidance involving experiments and practical training and seminar activities may be allowed and conducted by the academic advisor in small groups of graduate students and 4th year undergraduate students (less than 20 students).

Entry of students to the campus Students can enter the campus as usual with attention to the prevention of infection spread; provided however, that they avoid unnecessarily entering the campus.
  • ? Students should keep a health observation report for the last 14 days nearest to the date that they would enter the campus and they should take this report along for them to show to the faculty member in charge (class instructor, academic advisor, etc.).
  • ? For information on each facility including the use of the library should be confirmed by the information listed on the website, etc.

Extracurricular activities Refrain voluntarily from extracurricular activities in groups;(including small-scale activities)provided however, that only individual activities conducted while working for the prevention of the spread of infection are allowed.
  • ? "Small-scale activities" are activities with 5 to 6 people avoiding the Three Cs of closed spaces, crowded places, and close-contact settings.

On-campus meetings If possible, on-campus meetings are conducted online; provided however, that for emergency meetings or those that have a substantial need to be conducted in person, face-to-face meetings are allowed by taking preventive measures against infection spread.
  • ? The number of participants may vary with the meeting room environment (securing of good ventilation, sufficient space, etc.).

Administrative structure Make the most use of work at home and staggered commuting.
  • ? It shall be possible for each organizational unit to handle matters flexibly.
Celebrating the 151st 50th Anniversary of the University of Tsukuba
Celebrating the 151st 50th Anniversary of the University of Tsukuba