Application begins for AY 2021 Credited Auditors (Single Course Study) (Application period: 26 February - 4 March 2021)
"Credited Auditors" is a lifelong education program that allows the public including working professionals to study part-time and the University evaluates their learning outcomes.
Enrolled auditors can take courses offered by programs at the University of Tsukuba, and the University gives them a credit(s) if they complete a course(s). A broad range of courses are available, everyone is welcome to learn as a Credited Auditor.
The University of Tsukuba is accepting applications for AY2021 Spring during the following period. Please read the application guidelines carefully which is on the following website.

Application Period
Friday 26th February 2021- Thursday 4th March 2021 (Must be delivered by postal mail)
Selection Methods
Document Screening and Interview*
*See the Application Guidelines for details.
Please refer to "Credited Auditors" page.
About Application procedures for Credited auditor
Educational Reform Support, Department of Educational Promotion
Mondays to Fridays: 9:00 am - 12:15 pm / 1:15 pm -5:00 pm
E-mail: gm.kkikakugrp"a"
(Replace "a" with @ when sending an email.)