President of University of Hamburg, Germany Visits President NAGATA
On October 6, President Hauke Heekeren of the University of Hamburg, Germany, visited the University of Tsukuba and met with President NAGATA Kyosuke, Vice President Benton Caroline (Global Affairs), Vice President WADA Hiroshi (Research), Executive Officer OHNEDA Osamu (Office of Global Initiatives Director), URA Research Strategy Promotion Office Director UMEMURA Masayuki, and Professor UEDONO Akira (Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Head of Liaison with the University of Hamburg). During the meeting, they discussed the possibility for future collaboration between the two universities and expressed their expectations for further strengthening of cooperation between the University of Tsukuba and the University of Hamburg.
After meeting with President NAGATA, President Heekeren and Professor UEDONO visited the Tsukuba Clinical Research & Development Organization (T-CReDO), where they received an explanation about rehabilitation using Robot Suit HAL® from Professor ARAKAWA Yoshihiro (Director of T-CReDO, Faculty of Medicine), Lecturer MACHINO Takeshi (Director of the Translational Research Promotion and Education Center and the Center for Innovative Medicine and Engineering, Faculty of Medicine), Lecturer MARUSHIMA Aiki (Faculty of Medicine), Assistant Professor WATANABE Hiroki (Faculty of Medicine), and Associate Professor KADONE Hideki (Faculty of Medicine). They later visited the International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (WPI-IIIS), where they received an explanation of the Institute's research from Director YANAGISAWA Masashi.
We look forward to the continued promotion of exchange and collaboration with the University of Hamburg in the future.

Conversation with President NAGATA

Visit to the Tsukuba Clinical Research & Development Organization (T-CReDO)

Visit to the International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine