Secretary General of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) visits President NAGATA
On April 19, Dr. Kai Sicks, Secretary General of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD,) visited the University of Tsukuba and met with President NAGATA Kyosuke, Vice President and Executive Director for Global Affairs IKEDA Jun, Vice President and Executive Director for Research SHIGETA Yasuteru, Executive Officer OHNEDA Osamu (Bureau of Global Initiatives Director General), Professor SAKURAI Takeaki (Office of Global Initiatives Director), and Professor UEDONO Akira of the Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences. During the meeting, they discussed strengthening cooperation with German universities through DAAD and promoting Japanese students to study abroad in Germany.
After meeting with the President of the University of Tsukuba, Dr. Sicks received a presentation on the research results of the University of Tsukuba-DAAD Partnership Program by Professor NIHEI Masayuki (Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, adopted in AY2022), Professor Chung Inho (Institute of Human Sciences, adopted in AY2020), and participating students. The participants recognized that this program is very useful for young researchers to experience joint research with overseas researchers and also discussed the future outlook of this program.
After that, they visited the Plasma Research Center, where Director SAKAMOTO Mizuki (Professor of Pure and Applied Sciences, adopted in AY2019) gave an explanation about the Center and guided them around the building.
Further cooperation with German universities and academic institutions through DAAD is expected in the future.

(President NAGATA and Dr. Sicks, DAAD Secretary General)

Group photo after the discussion with the University of Tsukuba-DAAD Partnership Program adopters

At the visit of the Plasma Research Center