Two Vice Rectors of Tashkent State Technical University Visit University of Tsukuba

Vice President IKEDA and Vice Rector Donaev of Tashkent State Technical University
On July 18, 2023, Vice Rectors Sardor Donaev and Dr. NISHIYAMA Kiyohisa of Tashkent State Technical University visited the University of Tsukuba. They held talks with Vice President IKEDA Jun (Global Affairs), Executive Officer OHNEDA Osamu (Director-General, Bureau of Global Initiatives), Director SAKURAI Takeaki (Office of Global Initiatives), Prof. BENTON Caroline (Advisor to the President), and from the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professors USUYAMA Toshinobu, who is also the Regional Director for Central Asia, and DADABAEV Timur.
During the meeting, Vice Rector Donaev proposed sending young researchers and staff members from their university to the University of Tsukuba, especially in the fields of energy and material sciences. They exchanged views to facilitate the realization of this proposal.
In the future, we expect the further development of exchanges between Tashkent State Technical University and the University of Tsukuba.

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