Director of CNRS Tokyo Office for North-East Asia Visits President NAGATA

On February 9, 2024, Director Jacques MALEVAL from the Tokyo Office for North-East Asia CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research) visited our Tsukuba campus and engaged in discussions with President NAGATA Kyosuke, Vice President IKEDA Jun (Global Affairs), Vice President SHIGETA Yasuteru (Research), Executive Officer OHNEDA Osamu (Director-General, Bureau of Global Initiatives), Director SAKURAI Takeaki (Office of Global Initiatives), Prof. KURODA Shinji (Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences), Prof. UEDONO Akira (Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences), and Professor Emeritus AKIMOTO Katsuhiro.
During the meeting, they exchanged views on the role of both institutions in strengthening research collaboration between Japanese universities and universities in France and, by extension, in European countries. It was confirmed that the two institutions will further strengthen their cooperative relationship, centering on J-FAST (Japanese-French Laboratory for Semiconductor Physics and Technology), which is an IRL (International Research Laboratory) established by CNRS at our university.
Going forward, further collaboration between CNRS and our university is highly anticipated.