Malaysian Minister of Higher Education Visits our Tsukuba Campus
On February 20, 2024, Hon. Dato'Seri Diraja Dr. Zambry Abd Kadir, Minister of Higher Education of Malaysia, and Professor Datuk Ts. Dr. Massila binti Kamalrudin, Vice Chancellor of Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), along with 10 others, visited our Tsukuba campus. They engaged in discussions with Vice President/Executive Director IKEDA Jun (Global Affairs), Vice President/Executive Director KATO Mitsuyasu (Education), Professor HIRAISHI Noriko (Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences), Professor SAKURAI Tetsuya (Institute of Systems and Information Engineering/Director of the Center for Artificial Intelligence Research), and Associate Professor KANEKO Akiko (Institute of Systems and Information Engineering).
During the meeting, Vice President IKEDA first gave an overview of the university, and then Vice President KATO explained about the university's branch campus in Malaysia, scheduled to open in September of this year. Following that, Prof. SAKURAI introduced our Center for Artificial Intelligence Research (C-AIR), which is of great interest to the Malaysian government. Minister Zambry, the Vice-Chancellor, and others then asked various questions about the branch campus and the C-AIR. In addition, they discussed joint research that Assoc. Prof. KANEKO is conducting with a UTeM researcher, a former student of her at UT, and exchanged their views on strengthening collaboration between UTeM and our university.
Afterward, the delegation visited our Center for Computational Sciences and observed the Cygnus supercomputer guided by Dr. SEKIYA Kaoru, Science Communicator.
Moving forward, further collaborations between Malaysian institutes and our university are expected.