Economic Friendship Delegation Visits President NAGATA from Parana State, Brazil

On April 15, an economic friendship delegation led by Brazilian federal deputy Luiz NISHIMORI visited our Tsukuba Campus and met with President NAGATA Kyosuke, Vice President/Executive Director IKEDA Jun (Global Affairs), Executive Officer OHNEDA Osamu (Director-General, Bureau of Global Initiatives), Director SAKURAI Takeaki (Office of Global Initiatives), and Assistant Professor FUKUSHIGE Mizuho (Deputy Regional Manager for South America).
During the discussion, they exchanged their views on collaboration between institutions in the Parana state and our university including researcher exchanges.
On the same day, they visited our farm at the Tsukuba-Plant Innovation Research Center (T-PIRC) and received an overview of the center from Director FUKUDA Naoya.
They then visited our University Hospital and toured the Proton Beam Therapy Center. Also, they paid a courtesy call to Director HIRAMATSU Yuji and Vice Director ODA Tatsuya.
Moving forward, further collaborations between institutions in Parana state, Brazil, and our university are anticipated.