Ambassador of India to Japan Visits President NAGATA

On April 17, H.E. Mr. Sibi George, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India visited our Tsukuba Campus and had a discussion with President NAGATA Kyosuke, Vice President and Executive Director IKEDA Jun (Global Affairs), Executive Officer OHNEDA Osamu (Director General, Bureau of Global Initiatives), Director SAKURAI Takeaki (Office of Global Initiatives), Professor Randeep Rakwal (Institute of Health and Sport Sciences), and Assistant Professor FUKUSHIGE Mizuho (Institute of Medicine).
In the meeting, Ambassador George first shared that out of 1 million Indian students studying abroad, only 1,500 Indian students are studying in Japan and sought President NAGATA's cooperation to attract more Indian students to study in Japan.
President NAGATA expressed his ambition to make use of the university's experience in promoting study in Japan gained in South America and Southeast and Central Asia, and that he would also take the lead as President of the Japan Association of National Universities to actively work on attracting Indian students to Japan.
On the same day, Ambassador George visited our farm at the Tsukuba-Plant Innovation Research Center (T-PIRC). After Professor EZURA Hiroshi explained about his research and development of the high GABA accumulated tomato, Ambassador George tasted one.
Ambassador George also visited the JISA(Japan-India Sustainability Alliance)forum held on campus on the day and offered warm words of encouragement to the participating researchers and students.
Further exchanges and collaboration are highly anticipated in the future.