University Leaders from Asia and Africa visit University of Tsukuba for JICA Industry-Academia Collaboration Program

On September 27, 2024, eight delegates, including a university rector and faculty members in charge of industry-academia collaboration, from six universities* across five countries (Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, Timor-Leste, and Egypt), visited the University of Tsukuba. This visit was part of a specialized training program supported by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), aimed at addressing development challenges in higher education. The program, titled "University Network Program of Engineering Education Development," focuses on management and collaboration with industry.
During the visit, the group engaged in a discussion with Vice President for Collaborative Research, NAKAUCHI Yasushi, on the theme of university-industry collaboration. The delegates shared insights on the current state of industry-academia collaboration in their respective countries and institutions, along with the challenges they face. Vice President NAKAUCHI provided an overview of the university's efforts to promote such collaboration, including the establishment of specialized organizations, the roles of dedicated staff, development of research partnerships, management of intellectual property, and the creation of a comprehensive ecosystem that spans entrepreneurial education (human resources) and startup support (funds) driven by the growth of ventures.
In the Q&A session, the importance of universities contributing research outcomes to society was reaffirmed.

Following this, at the Center for Cybernics Research, Director KURODA Yoshihiro presented an overview of its research environment and key achievements. Highlights included the cyborg type robotic medical device (Medical HAL) and personal mobility vehicle with adaptive postural change for assisting upright locomotion.
The University of Tsukuba remains committed to fostering further exchange with universities, research institutions, and industry both in Japan and overseas.

* The universities represented are the following:
Egypt: Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST)
Laos: National University of Laos
Malaysia: Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Timor-Leste: The National University of East Timor
Vietnam: Can Tho University and Vietnam Japan University (VJU), Vietnam National University- Hanoi