

President NAGATA Strengthens Collaborative Ties in Ghana

President NAGATA Strengthens Collaborative Ties in Ghana
Group photo/Meeting with the President of the University of Cape Coast

On February 27, President NAGATA Kyosuke engaged in discussions with President Johnson Nyarko Boampong of the University of Cape Coast, at its Accra Office, focusing on future collaboration. He also visited the JICA Ghana Office to exchange views with Director SUZUKI Momoko on future cooperation and partnerships.

President NAGATA paid a courtesy visit to H.E. Mr. YOSHIMOTO Hiroshi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Ghana, at the Japanese Ambassador's residence in Ghana as well. He expressed the University of Tsukuba's commitment to actively contributing to Ghana's development and sought the Ambassador's cooperation in the university's future activities in the country.

President NAGATA Strengthens Collaborative Ties in Ghana
Meeting with the President of the University of Cape Coast
President NAGATA Strengthens Collaborative Ties in Ghana
Meeting with the Director of JICA Ghana Office
President NAGATA Strengthens Collaborative Ties in Ghana
Group photo/Meeting with JICA Ghana Office
President NAGATA Strengthens Collaborative Ties in Ghana
Courtesy visit to Ambassador Yoshimoto
President NAGATA Strengthens Collaborative Ties in Ghana
Group photo/Courtesy visit to Ambassador Yoshimoto

On February 28, following the signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for academic exchange with the University of Ghana, a symposium was held at the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research (Noguchi Institute) of said University.
Ghana holds historical significance as the place where Dr. Hideyo Noguchi passed away during his research on yellow fever. The Noguchi Institute, established with support from the Japanese government to commemorate his achievements, co-hosted the symposium with the University of Tsukuba.

The first session featured opening remarks by Professor Dorothy Yeboah-Manu, Director of the Noguchi Institute, and an introduction to the University of Ghana. President NAGATA then delivered the opening remarks, and a keynote lecture titled "From Molecular Biology to Virus Control." Dr. OHNEDA Osamu, Director- General of the Bureau of Global Initiatives, introduced the University of Tsukuba.

In the second session, Professor SUZUKI Hiromichi from the Institute of Medicine at the University of Tsukuba, specializing in infectious diseases, presented "Simultaneously Achieving the Development of In Vitro Diagnostic Reagents and Human Resource Training at the University of Tsukuba." Professor ICHIKAWA Masao, also from the Institute of Medicine and specializing in public health, presented "Preventing Child Burn Injuries in Mongolia: Translating Public Health Research into Practice".

Researchers from the Noguchi Institute also delivered presentations on "Setting Up HIV Cure Research and Training Program at the University of Ghana"and "Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance in Common Bacterial Isolates in Ghana."

In the evening, the 1st TUAN Ghana Alumni Reunion was held at the African Regent Hotel, where President NAGATA, Dr. OHNEDA, and other attendees enjoyed a pleasant gathering with two alumni who traveled from various parts of Ghana.

The University of Tsukuba anticipates further international contributions through continued academic exchange between Japan and Ghana.

President NAGATA Strengthens Collaborative Ties in Ghana
Group photo/Symposium
Group photo/Noguchi Institute
President NAGATA Strengthens Collaborative Ties in Ghana
Alumni Meeting
President NAGATA Strengthens Collaborative Ties in Ghana
Group photo/Alumni Meeting