Students Information
1) How to spend until the start of class
By considering the situation that spread of infections in the Tokyo metropolitan area is becoming unstoppable, the University has determined that urgent action must be taken.
We will change the policy from April 6 as follows;
(1) Residence of students
According to the report, people with mild symptoms, especially among young people, move unconsciously and they are spreading infections to other people, or those who have high risk of illness. To prevent this, domestic transfers also must be minimized.
Therefore, we would like to ask for all students in distant settlements or parents' homes, should keep staying there after April 6. If you plan to move into the student dormitory, your luggage will be stored at the university and delivered to each room. Thus, please do not come to university including the students' dormitory as much as possible. If you plan to move into an apartment, please postpone the moving if possible. If it is impossible, return to your home or previous residence as soon as possible after moving. If you must to live in student dormitories or apartments, avoid unnecessary outings as possible, and ensure your health management thoroughly.
(2) Orientation, classes, etc.
At a present, we are preparing to conduct classes online.
Students will be required to study online in their hometown. Therefore, we would like to request for setting a communication environment that allows you to study on the Internet (fixed-rate network, Wi-Fi, PC, etc.). Even if you have to use Wi-Fi for studying, avoid moving to crowded or poorly ventilated stores, etc. This increases the risk of infection.
(3) Distribution Materials for Freshmen
To take online classes at the University of Tsukuba, the University's "Unified Authentication Password Card" is essential. The "Unified Authentication Password Card" will be mailed after April 9, to the Hometown address written on the "Data Coding Sheet" during the enrollment procedure. If you have to wait at your current residence, such as your parents' home, please wait for the distributions arrived. If there is an instruction that the sending address from the organization to which you belong, please follow it.
If you are forced to live in a student dormitory or an apartment near the university, or if you live near Tsukuba, please receive the distributions by April 8 follow the instruction as posted on the University Homepage;2) Items to be distributed such as Student ID Card and Course Catalog, etc. (After April 6)
Current students are also required to prioritize prevention of infection and their own health management, and to work on learning voluntarily, such as preparing for classes.
In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, it is very important to consider the health of not only yourself but also the people around you. Always keep in mind that you will not be infected and will not be able to infect others.
At present, the route of transmission of the new coronavirus is based on droplets and contact, and contaminated aerosols adhere to the mouth, nose, and mucous membranes of the eyes.
In addition, it is reported that infected people may unknowingly infect others.
Be aware of the following in your daily life.
a) Please keep in mind that the period until the beginning of class is the time for managing your health and try to minimize the risk of getting yourself infected as possible by refraining nonessential and non-urgent outings.
b) Thoroughly prevent infection. For example,
- Wash your hands with soap and gargle.(To prevent infection yourself)
- Wear a mask (To prevent infection to others)
- Measure the body temperature every morning and confirm that it is normal(To prevent infection to others)
- Do not go to crowded place or areas where you might interact with potentially infected people. (To prevent yourself and others from infection)
c) If you have a fever, cough, a strong feeling of weariness (fatigue), runny nose, or other symptoms of cold, observe your symptoms at home. Seek medical care if necessary. (Call a medical institution in advance and ask for instructions.)
The symptoms suspected that infected with the COVID-19 are shown below. These are the level of symptoms for a consult with the consultation centre. (As of May 8, 2020)
- Having one or some symptoms such as shortness of breath (difficulty breathing), strong feeling of weariness(fatigue), a high temperature, etc.
Those who are having flu-like symptoms and be prone to severe symptoms of COVID-19 those who are underlying disease. (e.g. diabetes, heart failure, or respiratory disease, receiving dialysis, taking immunosuppressant or anticancer drugs )
※Pregnant women also included. - Those who have not underlying such diseases above, however having flu-like symptoms continuously more than 4 days. (The symptom's condition is different from individuals. Therefore, if you feel the symptoms is more severe than usual such as a case you need to take antipyretics continuously, to contact the consultation center promptly even less than 4days.)
If you feel these symptoms, please contact the Returnee and Contact Consultation Center. (University of Tsukuba Hospital does not accept or treat patients with infectious diseases in view of its designated functions)
About the contact of the Returnee and Contact Consultation Center and Infection prevention control measures, please refer to the link for details and try to prevent infection.
Measures in Response to the Novel Coronavirus Disease
Furthermore, the contact information of the Returnee and Contact Consultation Center for Tsukuba Residents as refer to the URLs as follows,
Returnee and Contact Consultation Center for New Coronavirus Infections
Tsukuba Health Center: 029-851-9287 【Weekdays, 9 AM to 5 PM】
Ibaraki Prefecture Returnee and Contact Consultation Center:
029-301-3200 【24/7 including weekends and holidays】
2) Items to be distributed such as Student ID Card and Course Catalog, etc. (After April 6)
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