University of Tsukuba, as a base to create a future, has many leading authorities in various research fields. Here, picking up some of these researchers representing our university, their figures as front-runners paving a pathway to a new era, would be revealed through their trails and passion for research works.
* The content and titles are those at the time of the interview.
Medicine/Health #027 Searching for Signals That Cause Vascular Diseases: Understanding Cells and the Extracellular Environment as a Seamless Unit
Technology/Materials #026 Towards AI that Everyone Can Use: Linking the Real World and Cyberspace with Algorithms
Medicine/Health #025 The Brain, the Heart, and Design: Uncovering What Makes Each Unique Person Feel Comfortable
Society/Culture #024 From Ancient Greece to Tokyo: What Have the Japanese People Sought from the Olympics?
Society/Culture #023 Encounters with the Ancients Tracing the Ideology Left in the Roots of Buddhism
Society/Culture #022 Developing Human Resources Who Can Act Flexibly Amid Diversity
Society/Culture #021 People Continue to Develop throughout Life: Empowerment to Draw Out the "Power" in Each Person
Society/Culture #20 A Japanese Dictionary Able to Understand Context: The Creation of a Language Support Tool to Meet Individual Abilities and Needs
Biology/Environment #19 Decoding Their "Language" to Pave the Way for a New Phase of Coexistence with Humanity
Technology/Materials #18 A Sound Understanding of Basic Properties of Materials Leads the Way to Innovative Energy Technology
Medicine/Health #17 The Presence of People Can Heal: Searching for a New Mental Health Treatment Which Uses Dialog as Medicine
Society/Culture #16 The Joy of Studying Together: Searching for the Essence of Education Created by People
Society/Culture #15 A Scientific Take on Politics: Japanese Ideology as Seen through Voting Behavior
Medicine/Health #14 Emotional Support Specialists Guiding the Transition from Loss to Rebuilding
Society/Culture #13 The Study of Kanji Calligraphy: The Pursuit of Brush Writing Is a Voyage of Self-discovery
Society/Culture #12 From Ancient Texts and Official Documents to Disaster Records: A Global Standard for Connecting Local History
Medicine/Health #11 The Day Hospitals Will Run Particle Accelerators: A Cutting-edge Next-generation Cancer Treatment Made Possible by Neutrons
Society/Culture #10 Searching for the Essence of User-Friendliness: A Learning Community Which Listens to the Elderly
Medicine/Health #09 Nutrition, Birth, and Lifespan: Cracking the Genetic Code of Ordinary Life
Technology/Materials #08 Sensing a World that is Not There: Stunning Interactions between Humans and Engineering Systems