Campus Life
Before Arrival
Resident Overseas
- Obtain your passport at a government office in your country.
- Apply for and received a Certificate of Eligibility from the immigration bureau in Japan.
(See Certificate of Eligibility) - Obtain a "Student" visa at a Japanese embassy or consulate in your country.
(See Obtaining a Visa)
Resident in Japan
If you are already living in Japan, you may need to change your visa status from your current visa status.
- Receive the Certificate of Permission for Granting Entrance Formalities or the Notice of Successful Results
- Bring both documents to an immigration bureau
- Apply for changing your status in person
This has to be done 2 months before the expiration date of your current visa.
Please note that if at that point in time you have not completed your entrance procedures because you have not paid admission and tuition fees, the immigration bureau may accept your application, but it will be deemed "in process". When you complete the entrance procedures, please obtain a Certificate of Admission from the university staff, and submit it to the immigration bureau. After doing this step, you can finally complete the procedures for changing your visa status. For more detailed information, please contact the nearest regional immigration bureau.
Certificate of Eligibility
International students enrolled at the University of Tsukuba, must enter Japan with a "Student" visa, in principle.
You are required to get a "Certificate of Eligibility" (referred to as COE) from the Immigration Bureau in Japan before you obtain a "Student" visa. By submitting a "COE," your passport and the other required documents at an overseas Japanese Embassy or Consulate General, the visa will be granted much earlier with fewer procedures.
You cannot apply for the "COE" directly to the Immigration Bureau in Japan from abroad. If you have relatives residing in Japan, you can ask them to act as your proxy. If not, the University of Tsukuba will act as your proxy and apply for the "COE" for you. If you request our university to act as your proxy, please submit the required documents listed below.
If you enter the university as a Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan (MEXT) Scholarship recipient, you do not have to apply for a "Certificate of Eligibility."
In addition, those who have Japanese nationality in addition to foreign nationality (persons with dual nationality) are permitted to enter Japan as " Japanese nationals" at the immigration Bureau. There is no need to obtain a "COE", but please check with the nearest Japanese Embassy or Consulate General in advance.
* The COE used to have a paper form but it is now issued as an email. Therefore, students can apply for their student visa by submitting necessary documents to their embassy and by showing the email.
* For more information about the "Certificate of Eligibility," please refer to the following website:
1. From application of Certificate of Eligibility to entry into Japan

Procedures from Certificate of Eligibility Application to Entry into Japan for International Students Residing Abroad (PDF)
Usually, it takes 1 month and a half to 2 months for the "Certificate of Eligibility" to be issued after the application documents are submitted to the Immigration Bureau. Since it's the Immigration Bureau that oversees the screening process, our university cannot answer questions concerning whether the COE has been issued or how long it will take to receive it.
2. Required documents in the case you request our university to act as your proxy
Those who enter the university in 2025, please submit following documents
* Please note that all documents must be written in Japanese or in 365体育投注. If they are in any other language, attach a Japanese or 365体育投注 translation.
- | Required Documents | Required number | Details |
1 | Request Form for Proxy for Certificate of Eligibility Application (attached form) (WORD) | 1 original | All applicants must submit |
2 | APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF ELIGIBILITY + CONFIRMATION FORM - 4 sheets in total (attached form)(Excel) * Handwritten applications will not be accepted. * Submission required even if not applicable. Sample of Certificate of Eligibility Application (PDF) COE FAQs (PDF) |
1 set | All applicants must submit |
3 | A photograph of yourself taken within the past 3 months * The photo should be clear and bright. (40mm x 30mm, showing the upper body, facing front and uncovered forehead against a blank background) Write your name and nationality on the back of the photo. |
1 original | All applicants must submit |
4 | A copy of your "Letter of Acceptance" | 1 copy | All applicants must submit |
5-i) | A copy of your passport (with the page displaying your name, picture, passport number, and expiration) | 1 copy | All applicants must submit |
5-ii) | The applicants who have been to Japan before, also submit a copy of the page of your passport which shows your latest immigration history to Japan. | 1 copy | Submit if applicable |
6 Documents that prove your ability to cover your expenses | |||
6-i) | "Written Oath for Defraying Expenses" by the sponsor who will cover your tuition and living expenses in Japan (attached form) (PDF/WORD) Sample of Written Oath for Defraying Expenses(PDF) |
1 original | Submit if your financial resources are from a supporter |
6-ii) | Documents proving the relationship between you and your sponsor (e.g. Notarial Certificate, Birth Certificate) |
1 original | Submit if your financial resources are from a supporter |
6-iii) | The sponsor's Certificate of Bank Balance (The most recently issued one at the time of application for COE. Investment or stock certificates will not be accepted.) |
1 original | Submit if your financial resources are from a supporter |
6-iv) | The sponsor's Certificate of Employment (Issued by the company which the sponsor belongs to. In the case that the sponsor is self-employed, a copy of the Operating License is needed instead.) | 1 original | Submit if your financial resources are from a supporter |
6-v) | The sponsor's Certificate of Annual Income (Past one year):
Submit 1) or 2), 1) The latest Certificate of Income or Withholding Slip containing the total annual income issued by the company that the sponsor belongs to. 2) The Certificate of Tax Payment containing the total annual income issued by the Tax Office. * As a rule, the certificate of annual income will not be accepted if it doesn`t contain the amount of annual income. |
1 original | Submit if your financial resources are from a supporter |
7 | For scholarship recipients, the Certificate of Scholarship issued by the payment authority including the amount and payment period. The scholarship certificate shall serve as a substitute for the above listed documents (6)-ⅰ) to v). | 1 copy | Submit if your financial resources are scholarships |
8 | A copy of a Certificate of Japanese language proficiency | 1 copy | Submit if applicable |
9 | For those who have studied at a university or Japanese language school in Japan, a Certificate of Completion and an Academic Transcript (to certify your attendance) | 1 original each | Submit if applicable |
10 | Checklist of Certificate of Eligibility Required Documents (attached form) (PDF/WORD) | 1 original | All applicants must submit |
- In addition to the documents listed above, the Immigration Services Bureau may require that you to submit additional information on a case-by-case basis.
- If those other than the applicants will cover their expenses, submit all the documents from (6)- i) to v) above.
- If the applicant has a job and an income, the applicant can sponsor themselves only if they have enough funds.
If the applicants will cover their own expenses, submit applicant's iii) the Certificate of Bank Balance (latest one), iv) the Certificate of Employment (if they are working when applying), and v) the Certificate of Annual Income.
Please be aware that the University might ask you to find another sponsor if it is deemed necessary. - Among the required documents, "(6) Documents that prove your ability to cover your expenses" is extremely important in the assessment of the Immigration Bureau. "Expenses" include the annual tuition for the period while you study at our university, in addition to the daily living costs. Please note that sufficient ability to cover your expenses for the scheduled period of your study must be proved by the documents of No.6 or No.7 above. For reference, data from our past surveys states that our students need a monthly amount of 80,000 yen or more for living expenses, so use this amount as a reference.
3. Place to submit
COE Desk, Division of Student Exchange, Department of Student Affairs, University of Tsukuba
1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan 305-8577
TEL:+81-(0)29-853-8029 E-mail:
4. Deadline to submit the required documents
Please submit the required documents to the address above by the deadline for your admission period.
Since it takes much time for the Immigration Bureau to issue the COE, please send the required documents to our office as soon as you complete the procedure, regardless of the deadlines.
We will accept your request for application even if you send your documents after the deadlines. However, please note that the COE might not be issued on time for your admission date in that case.
- * For Graduate School Students Click here
- * For Undergraduate Special Program Students (Undergraduate 365体育投注 Programs, Bachelor's Program in Interdisciplinary Engineering, Japan-Expert Program, and Bachelor's Program in Global Issues) Click here
- * For Privately Financed International Students (Undergraduate) Click here
5. Notes
- In the event that you decide not to enter the University of Tsukuba, you have to notify our office.
- In case you already have applied or obtained a Certificate of Eligibility as a non-degree research student (Kenkyusei) at our university, and you passed the entrance exam as graduate student, you must apply for another COE as a graduate student this time.
- If you were not granted a "Certificate of Eligibility" in the past, please be aware that it will be more difficult to apply for another one, even if the university acts as your proxy.
Contact information for application and inquires on application by proxy for the COE
COE Desk, Division of Student Exchange, Department of Student Affairs, University of Tsukuba
Remove "#" from the above e-mail address before sending mail.
<Certificate of Eligibility>
- Immigration Services Agency of Japan
- Procedures for immigration examination(Q&A) - Application for issuance of a Certificate of Eligibility
Obtaining a Visa
After receiving the Certificate of Eligibility, please go to the nearest Japanese embassy or consulate in your country with the Certificate of Granting Permission for Admission Formalities as Research Student or the Notification of Successful Results to apply for a "Student" visa. Please note that there may be cases when you will be required to submit additional documents. Therefore, please confirm the required documents with the Japanese embassy or consulate by telephone, etc., before attending at their offices.
Please note that the issuance of a visa is not guaranteed even if you apply with a Certificate of Eligibility. The final decision of issuance of a visa is made by the Japanese embassy or consulate. If there are no problems, it usually takes one to two weeks from application to issuance. However, this period may vary depending on each embassy of consulate. Please ask the embassy or consulate when you apply.
For information about Japanese embassies and consulates, please see the Embassies & Consulates, website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
For information about Japanese visas, please see the VISA / Residing in Japan, website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
Tokyo Regional Immigration Services Bureau
- Address: 5-5-30 Konan, Minato-ku,Tokyo-to, 108-0075
- Tel: +81-3-5796-7111/ (Information Center: +81-3-5796-7112)
- Application Services: Monday to Friday (closed on holidays)
- Hours (for renewal, change of status, etc): 9:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00
- Hours (for initial application): 9:00-13:00 and 13:00-15:30
Tokyo Regional Immigration Services Bureau, Mito Branch Office
- Address: Mito Legal Affair Joint Government Bldg. 1F, 1-1 Kitamicho, Mito City, Ibaraki Prefecture
- Tel: +81-29-300-3601
- *Please refrain from coming to the office by car due to limited parking spaces.
- For addresses and telephone numbers of other regional immigration bureaus, please refer to the Immigration Bureau website.