Research and Development Center for Health Services

Our mission is to conduct any health services research that could contribute to the improvement of public health. Particularly, we have pioneered the research on the long-term care insurance system in Japan and evaluation of home and institutional care of older people. We have a lot of experience in the effective use of large electronic health records, such as the Japanese long-term care and medical insurance claims databases and the Comprehensive Survey of Living Conditions in Japan. We are also collaborating with private enterprises for health services, as well as the local governments to improve the society.
Our topic of research has varied so widely: assessment of the Japanese long-term care insurance system (Lancet. 2011;378:1183-92); the importance of the family as a service-use regulating factor; the necessity of door-to-door transfer for regional rehabilitation; the relationship between use of short-stay and the caregiving degree of the individual; examination of the cause of the long-term care insurance expenditure; a suppression factor for the use of visiting nursing; the relatively shorter survival time of those being nurse by their wife; the effectiveness of visiting nursing for continuing home life, the doctor's role in facility care, and outcome assessment; lonely death measures based on forensic data.
Many publications can be seen in our official website (Japanese).

Division: Research and Development Center for Health Services
Tel: 029-853-3482
(Remove "#" from the above e-mail address before sending mail.)
Institutes of Medicine building #861
University of Tsukuba,
1-1-1 Tenno-dai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8575 Japan
Related Link
Research and Development Center for Health Services Website (Japanese)