
Voices of International Students



Doctoral Program in Bioindustrial Sciences, Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Technology

From China

What do you enjoy about Tsukuba (University of Tsukuba and Tsukuba City)?

One of the things I enjoy most about Tsukuba is the incredible variety of food available here. The city offers authentic culinary experiences from countries around the world. Whether I'm craving traditional Japanese sushi, Chinese food, spicy Korean cuisine, or flavorful Southeast Asian meals, I can find it all in Tsukuba. The diverse food options make living and studying here a delightful experience, as I can explore and enjoy different cultures through their cuisine.

What do you want to accomplish as a student of the University of Tsukuba during your study period?

As a doctoral student at the University of Tsukuba, my primary goal is to conduct meaningful research in my field of study. In addition to academic achievements, I hope to enrich my life by immersing myself in Japanese culture. I aim to learn more about Japan's traditions, customs, and everyday practices. Moreover, I would like to communicate with a diverse group of people, fostering meaningful connections and expanding my knowledge through these interactions. By balancing my academic life with cultural exploration and social engagement, I hope to have a well-rounded and fulfilling experience during my time at the University of Tsukuba.


Oral presentation at an international conference

Celebrating the 151st 50th Anniversary of the University of Tsukuba
Celebrating the 151st 50th Anniversary of the University of Tsukuba