University of Tsukuba is an unique university that covers a wide variety of research areas including sports and art, so that many interdisciplinary research projects are constantly conducted. Articles in Tsukuba Future aims to introduce our young researchers challenging such distinctive and future-oriented activities in research and education, focusing on their research topics and portraits.
* The content and titles are those at the time of the interview.
Society/Culture #089 A Study of International Politics as Scholarship
Technology/Materials #088 Enticed by the Calls of Frogs
Society/Culture #087 Immersed in Deep Ecology
Society/Culture #086 A Commanding Shot at the Target
Technology/Materials #085 The World of New Materials Extending in Two Dimensions
Medicine/Health #084 Why I'm fascinated by zebrafish
Biology/Environment #083 Using the Behavior of Marine Microbes to Understand the Earth's Carbon Cycle
Medicine/Health #082 Psychotherapy: Helping People "Experience the other you"
Society/Culture #081 A Cultural Anthropology-Based Approach to Minority Issues
Society/Culture #080 Art History Time Traveler
Biology/Environment #079 Researching the Unknown World of Bees as They Sleep
Society/Culture #078 Studying the "Ethics of Reading" through Hemingway's Literature
Technology/Materials #077 Scrutinizing the Future of Transistors
Medicine/Health #076 The Science of Baseball
Medicine/Health #075 A Drama Deep in the Eye
Society/Culture #074 Pursuing Her Own Path in Manga at Her Own Pace
Technology/Materials #073 Crime Data Analysis Helps Keep Cities Safe
Society/Culture #072 Talking about Communication for the "Digital Native" Generation
Biology/Environment #071 Investigating Mountains by Digging Frozen Ground
Medicine/Health #070 Get Over Your Own Hurdles! Athletic Training to Change Oneself