University of Tsukuba is an unique university that covers a wide variety of research areas including sports and art, so that many interdisciplinary research projects are constantly conducted. Articles in Tsukuba Future aims to introduce our young researchers challenging such distinctive and future-oriented activities in research and education, focusing on their research topics and portraits.
* The content and titles are those at the time of the interview.
Biology/Environment #069 Interdisciplinary Research Inspired by the Aroma of Plants
Technology/Materials #068 Pursuing the Dream of Searching for the Birth of Galaxies—in the Antarctic
Medicine/Health #067 Fluorescence Bioimaging for Seeing through Living Animals
Society/Culture #066 Architectural Design Gives Form to People's Lifestyles
Society/Culture #065 Setting Up a Tsukuba-Style Model UN from a Linguist's Perspective
Society/Culture #064 Enjoying Adapted Sports
Technology/Materials #063 Does the Web Evolve!?
Society/Culture #062 Building Networks to Promote Social Participation through Service-Learning
Technology/Materials #061 Measuring with Magnetism
Technology/Materials #060 The Power of Design which Conveys Information Realistically and Beautifully
Medicine/Health #059 I Want to Help People Break the Chains of Addiction and Abuse
Society/Culture #058 Creating Communities with Vibrant Living for All
Biology/Environment #057 Small Flies Tell Us a Big Story
Society/Culture #056 From Library and Information Science to Knowledge Science
Society/Culture #055 Mindfulness Is the Way to Go! Use the Body to Condition the Mind
Biology/Environment #054 Putting a dream on plants
Technology/Materials #053 Cosmic Cat's Cradles
Society/Culture #052 The Workplace Communication Environment
Society/Culture #051 Central Asia—a land with great potential for engagement
Biology/Environment #050 A Forest Girl Raised in the City