University of Tsukuba is an unique university that covers a wide variety of research areas including sports and art, so that many interdisciplinary research projects are constantly conducted. Articles in Tsukuba Future aims to introduce our young researchers challenging such distinctive and future-oriented activities in research and education, focusing on their research topics and portraits.
* The content and titles are those at the time of the interview.
Technology/Materials #049 Can a Robot Get Into university?
Society/Culture #048 Law Studies Can Be Cool?
Technology/Materials #047 Dig! Measure! Connect! Disaster information studies according to a mining researcher
Medicine/Health #046 Supporting the families of pediatric patients
Biology/Environment #045 In Search of a Gene for Easier Tomato Cultivation
Medicine/Health #044 A "Rescue Team" for Epigenomic Analysis
Medicine/Health #043 Sports is More Than Just Practice—It's a Story of the Nutrients and Bones which Support an Athlete
Technology/Materials #042 Customizing Sports Events with Free-Viewpoint Video
Society/Culture #041 Pursuing Historical Awareness from the Perspective of a Symbiotic Society
Medicine/Health #040 Chasing Dreams
Society/Culture #039 From Classical to Avant-garde—Pursuing Free Nihonga (Japanese-style Paintings)
Medicine/Health #038 Working Toward Molecularly Targeted Therapies for Blood Cancers
Society/Culture #037 The Philosophy Behind Universities as "Communities of Inquiry"
Technology/Materials #036 Interdisciplinary Collaboration on Molecular Fingerprints
Medicine/Health #035 Anti-Doping for Real Champions to Be Proud Of
Society/Culture #034 Building Supportive Communities of Mutual Respect and Consideration
Biology/Environment #033 Reading the Map—the Challenge of Understanding the Mechanics of Slope Failures and Landslides
Society/Culture #032 Cultural Properties, to the Rescue! Protecting Objects of Universal Value through Science
Society/Culture #031 Scientific Study of Successful Corporate Management
Medicine/Health #030 Aiming to Protect Health-care Staff from Aggression and Violence