University of Tsukuba is an unique university that covers a wide variety of research areas including sports and art, so that many interdisciplinary research projects are constantly conducted. Articles in Tsukuba Future aims to introduce our young researchers challenging such distinctive and future-oriented activities in research and education, focusing on their research topics and portraits.
* The content and titles are those at the time of the interview.
Society/Culture #029 How Much (and How) Can We Protect Our Privacy?
Technology/Materials #028 From Sport to the Energy Industry—The Power of a Materials which Support Manufacturing
Technology/Materials #027 Understanding How the Brainworks by Creating Robot Hands
Society/Culture #026 Using Classical Literature to Shed Light on Japanese Food Culture
Society/Culture #025 The Younger Generation Today from the Perspective of Sociological Criminology
Technology/Materials #024 Research with Accelerators to Benefit Society
Biology/Environment #023 Delicious, No Waste, Healthy! Ingenious Food Processing Scheme
Technology/Materials #022 Frozen Liquid Crystals and the Secret of the Koganemushi Beetle
Biology/Environment #021 Detective of Paleontology: Enchanted with the History of Life
Society/Culture #020 My Fair Language
Medicine/Health #019 New Research Area Revealed by Knockout Mice and the Growing Circle of Collaborative Research
Society/Culture #018 Design That Inspires Kansei
Society/Culture #017 Psychology Course for Improving Performance
Medicine/Health #016 Examining the Unspeaking Human Body-The Challenges of Legal Medicine
Technology/Materials #015 From Destruction to Creation: Designing Structures with Strong Shock-Resistance
Biology/Environment #014 Fruitful Results of Pomology
Society/Culture #013 Working to Prevent Bullying
Biology/Environment #012 Striving to Understand the Dazzling Diversity of Life
Technology/Materials #011 Puzzleland Mathematics
Society/Culture #010 Archaeological Science Highlights